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AYA Cosmos foreend cross pining/ wedging


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The spring that works to keep the foreend attached to the barrel of my AYA Cosmos 20 bore snapped some time ago. Spring making is beyond me so I've pinned the fore end using a wedge .

I tried to find a replacement spring locally but couldn't. 





I marked out the location of my hole using a marking gauge, drilled with the dremmell, and used a small piece of circular saw blade as a chisel to expand/join my drilled holes. The wedge needs to interact with the hook on the barrel.


I then cut and shaped a wedge out of the same saw that provided the chisel



The ends of the wedge need trimming to length. I might try soldering on a head to one side, just to make it look nice, but flushcut will work fine. 

I've also seen wedged with the middles cut out to accept a retaining screw so that they can't be removed from the foreend.

I'm very pleased with the fit. All is nice and tight and the wedge is going nowhere



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making springs is not as difficult as you think....you buy your steel 01 or W1.....and it comes in the soft /annealed state....you can work it and file it very very easily..............i wrote up a thread a few years ago showing how i made 2 complicated springs for a Boer war officers horse knife..........

hardening and tempering can be done without special equipment......lots of really easy advice on the net

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9 hours ago, ditchman said:

making springs is not as difficult as you think....you buy your steel 01 or W1.....and it comes in the soft /annealed state....you can work it and file it very very easily..............i wrote up a thread a few years ago showing how i made 2 complicated springs for a Boer war officers horse knife..........

hardening and tempering can be done without special equipment......lots of really easy advice on the net

Yes. A tin lid and some oil plus a heat source with a flame.

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