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When to shoot


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As a "newbie" to the sport and someone with a lot of holidays still owing i am trying to fit my time off around the best pigeon shooting. I am a member of the NPPC ( have not recieved my membership pack yet) and i dont know what i will be shooting over. is there an overall best month in which to target pigeons and if so, which month is it. any replies will be greatly appreciated. :D

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Hi Jim,

welcome to the NPPC, I am also a member and its a good move for unlimited land to shoot over.


I have been a member for a short while and I've had a few shoots over the club farms, but with all of the crops been very high now then like the others are saying we are all waiting for some crops to be cut.


Then we can get the decoys out and start bagging some birds.


Good luck,


Happy woodie shooting

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Hello Jim,


I have been decoying pigeon for 30 years man and boy and I would say without doubt that the best, consitant pigeon shooting I have had would be on Winter rape planted between wheat stubble in January and February particulary after a prolonged cold snap.


Good luck with your shooting and most of all enjoy it ! :lol:



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