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Donor card or blood/bone marrow donor?

Guest The Outlaw

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Guest The Outlaw

After my first attempt at a list of donors was quite rightly closed, I thought I could open the debate on weather we think


donor cards are still the way forward or the opt out system that the govourment are thinking about.


The reason I mention this again is there are lots of people out there beyond PW that are dying due to a lack of basic


donatable things like bone marrow and blood, beside the more life threatened such as organ failure sufferers.


It is the time of year for everyone to think about others for a moment and not just thierselves, and if this thread can


encourage one more donor it is worth the effort trying to word it in such a way as not to upset or offend members.


Here is the other thread I started and it was a bit silly to try to get people to list themselves on here but for those that


missed it I have included it below.


Please note it is a redundent thread and a list of donors is not the reason I have started a new thread on this subject.




I have a rare blood type and am a regular blood donor and I am a listed bone marrow donor and carry a donor card.


Please take the time to consider this sort of offer, you could save a few lives for a few minutes of your time every few




Thanks for reading this thread.



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Guest The Outlaw

I have edited this because I used a quote from a personal message without the persons permission.


I openly appologise to The moderating team about this genuine mistake.


What is even more suprising is you guys are actually openly talking about what happens after death and stuff but Donation of


organs and blood or bone marrow comes across as being Taboo :lol:



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I dont have a donor card but i have put it down on my driving licence that they can take any organ they want when i go.


I dont give blood because I dont like needles and dont like to see my blood being taken away from me. Maybe I would consider a bone marrow thingy.

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Guest The Outlaw

I give blood and will donate everything when I go apart from my retinas, the gonads are usless now aswell.


Thanks for replying chaps, I thought I was the only one that cared you have restored my faith in the PW massive.



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The reason I dont like needles is because when I was a baby and toddler I had to go for dozon of blood tests because of my epilepsy, and cause of this I have a phobia of them, even now if I see one in real life I start crying, and now that I am talking about it I am getting pains in my arms where they always stuck them in.


If there was another way to give blood other than usin needles I would give blood.

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Guest The Outlaw

This is exactly what I hoped would be discussed.


I think in theory it is easier to opt out if you want to.


However people that are unaware of the scheme will be pillaged of thier bits.


The scheme needs to be the highest profile campaign ever with at least I year running time.


That what I think but would it be enough?



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After registering on the organ donors register about 18months ago I got my donor card on friday.


I believe that unless you opt out then the doctors etc should be allowed anything from your body that will help someone else. They can have anything of use from me as if I am dead I won't be needing them anymore.


The only problem I have with donating blood is they don't do it near me and if they do it is always in the morning when I am at work.


I have never considered bone marrow until I saw a program on it a few weeks ago and I will look into that as well.

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I believe that unless you opt out then the doctors etc should be allowed anything from your body that will help someone else. They can have anything of use from me as if I am dead I won't be needing them anymore.


I have put first dibs on Mungs eyes and hands (for shooting) as mine are **** !

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when i pass my driving test many moons ago .i also put my name down as a organ donor .the only thing i would not donate are my eyes .now as i am getting older i dont think anyone would went them anyway (one of the joys of growing old i think :look: )

i used to be a blood donor never missed a session (not only am i a ditzy blonde .am a funny blood group too).

but as i have had a blood transfusion in the last five years .i can no longer give blood :lol::blush:


xxx suzy

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How many of you have discussed it with your partner first?


They do have the final say after all regardless of what card you carry.


Me and Tracey have discussed it and we know each others wishes, regardless of if we agree or not.


And personally I think donors are fantastic and there should be a lot more carrying the card.

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Guest The Outlaw

Me and Calam hve done the right thing by telling each other and our parents, our wishes should the need arise.


We both give everything apart from our eyes.


Frank and open discussion is vital as these important decisions are for the good of others IMO.



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Guest The Outlaw

I see 4 clays when its a simultanious pair :blush:


No really the Calam and I have agreed not eyes as she says they are a personal thing like the most important attraction, the


only thing she would recognise and like wise.


I think one of the other lads put it well by saying something like they are the gateway to the soul.


A pinkie thing I would call it.


To loose a vital organ is life threatening but not the eyes.



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Guest The Outlaw
I think one of the other lads put it well by saying something like they are the gateway to the soul.


I posted it in the last thread on this, my wife said it.


Thats it, my Jane agrees and in a way I do as they are the bits I loved first in the Calam.



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