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Best meat book


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:lol:The River Cottage Meat Book by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, I was recomended this book from here and i went out and bought it straight away. Its an excellant book, its not just a cookery book but takes you through from field to plate. it also includes a game section. I am learning a lot from it as i am new to cooking but i would imagine even a seasoned chef would learn from it.
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The Meat Book is excellent and I cannot recommend it highly enough. As with the River Cottage Cookbook, it is a readable and enlightening book about animal husbandry and ethics as much as it is a collection of recipes.


A lot of sense can also be found in Clarissa and Jonny's "Sunday Roast" book which I picked up for next to nothing in a Sussex Stationers. There is a good section of roasting (and serving) large fish, and the step by step carving of a fore/wing rib joint of beef is really handy as well.





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just got the hfw fish book for my birthday :rolleyes:

and its the mutts nutz anything and everything to do with fish

from how to catch it

how to prepare it

how to cook

plus info on how to make your own hot or cold smokers

if you havent put on your crimbo list do it now

by the way this is not an advert before i get my knuckles rapped :lol::P:lol:



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