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Beating in Herts this Friday


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Just received this email from NOBS: Thought I'd post it in case anybody's interested.






Hi All

I have a shoot in the Stevenage Buntingford area looking for beaters and pickers up for this Friday (14/12).

Bring a packed lunch. Meet latest at 09:15 for 09:30 start, You will receive £20 towards expenses


As always it is on a first come first served basis please let me have your contact details and membership number. If your membership has lapsed you can renew on www.nobs.org.uk

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Just received this email from NOBS: Thought I'd post it in case anybody's interested.






Hi All

.......Bring a packed lunch. Meet latest at 09:15 for 09:30 start, You will receive £20 towards expenses



Yeah right !!!! ..........Lunch provided and a min of £25 is a start. If I come from Scotland/Cornwall/New Zealand will the expenses be more ££ ??, if I bring 2 or more dogs will I get more ££ ??, if I don`t bring a dog will I get less ££ ??


........or is it £20 towards expenses so they don`t have to go through the books or have any H&S briefing etc.

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Pin, you have to remember that mods are also members and are entitled to their opinions too.

It would be easier if we have 2 accounts each, but that would get messy :P


I understand where H is coming from, but will leave him to explain his comments, I just chipped in as he may not on until later :oops:

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Pin, you have to remember that mods are also members and are entitled to their opinions too.

It would be easier if we have 2 accounts each, but that would get messy :P


I understand where H is coming from, but will leave him to explain his comments, I just chipped in as he may not on until later :oops:


Oh I know, and Mr D is a good bloke who I have a lot of respect and time for.


I am guilty of similar in the past but I don't do it anymore - new members are getting bashed left right and centre these days...


I happen to know the chap in question and he's a cracking bloke, he's got nothing to do with the shoot (I think he might have beaten there before) and genuinely would have been posting in case anyone was interested.


Just seems to be shoot first questions later round here at the moment.

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the shoot i beat on only pays £20 per man - 1 dog, 2 dogs or no dogs - picker up's included - you dont do it for the money, you should do it for the enjoyment of working your dog and just for bieng out. On most shoots you also get an invite on Keeprs day ( yes it is keepers day not beaters day as some think it is), which is worth quite a bit of cash in its self - last year we shot 297 on keeeprs day and if you had to pay for that amount of birds it would cost you quite a bit of cash.

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Very negative post for a mod that, in my view.


Ian's just posting some info he thought would be useful.



My apologies to Iaindp and pin, my comments are aimed at the shoots who think that they can circumvent any responsibility to the people who will do a great job and without whom the shoot will grind to a halt. I know of a shoot that does just give expenses and when they were asked why the beaters didn`t receive a H&S brief like the guns they were told they weren`t employees and didn`t require one but should do their own H&S !! The beaters wagon was an open trailer with only bench seats and no contact with the landy towing it.


Shoots should have a responsible attitude towards beaters IMHO and beaters should be paid at the correct amount and given safety briefs etc.


Again my apologies for sounding like I was having a pop at Ian.

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I'm with Pin on this one. I've never got more than £20 a day for beating and quite often do it for £10 and would do it for free. But and this is the big but One shoot we have a beaters day with approx 300 pheasants shot which by my reckoning is worth about £300 each I then get to shoot pigeons etc for a few days plus other perks, which to me makes what is an enjoyable day out well worth doing.

If you look at it as a days work you really shouldn't bother doing it.

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I'm with Pin on this one. I've never got more than £20 a day for beating and quite often do it for £10 and would do it for free. But and this is the big but One shoot we have a beaters day with approx 300 pheasants shot which by my reckoning is worth about £300 each I then get to shoot pigeons etc for a few days plus other perks, which to me makes what is an enjoyable day out well worth doing.

If you look at it as a days work you really shouldn't bother doing it.




I reckon I lose a couple of grand a year in lost earnings from going beating, for me its more about the craic & being outdoors with the dog.


Oh & the 300 plus beaters day, vermin control helps aswell :lol:



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My opinion and that of a few shoots is £25-£30 which is based on min wage of £5-52/hr, however a few were going for £35 when shooting partridge in Sept/Oct when 8 drives and a longer day are the norm.


I've not heard of any where locally that goes near that, thats getting into dodgy ground as far as employing you for money that in theory should be declared rather than paid cash. Even our one that pays no money is over subscribed.

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Just for the record guys - I don't know this shoot (don't even know where it is apart from the details given). I subscribe to NOBS and they email me periodically with details of shoots looking for beaters. Just thought others might be interested........... If you can get £30 plus for a day's beating or breakfast and lunch chucked in, fair play to you! Personally, I do it for the love.


As SS says, it normally costs far more to take the day off of work than what you get back (if anything) and receiving twenty quid or so hardly makes the difference between going beating or not!


How's the wee one coming on Pin? Have you got her use to gunfire yet?

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So then HD, If a shoot pays £20 regardless of Dogs and provides Tea, Coffee, Elevenses, Hot lunch consisting of Soup or Venison Stew with new potatoes, Game Pasties of some sort, numerous side orders, Beer, sloe gin, Dessert/Cake and a beaters day to both Guns and Beaters alike paid for by the guns would that be enough!!! Only I don't know any shoots round our way that pay more than £20 or provide food for beaters/Picker-ups (Maybe the odd can or two with their own packed lunch) and a Keepers day.


All I can say is that you must know some very well off shoots. :good:


As others have said, I have never been paid for beating and enjoy doing it for free, to be outdoors doing what I enjoy regardless of whether I am shooting or beating, carrying out vermin control, helping others.


Too many people IMHO, expect something everytime, likewise there are those who expect something for nothing in return. I know of two shoots where the picker ups, beaters, stops do not get paid anything, expenses or otherwise and yet both have had the same teams plus or minus one or two, without exception for the last five years or so. One shoot does a Keepers day, one doesn't.


The Picker-ups on both do it to work their dogs for trialling, the beaters for the craic, exercise, enjoyment. I am lucky in that I have managed to get hold of some cracking beaters for our shoot through NOBS, and they obviously enjoy it as they keep coming back. Yes we pay them, Yes we feed them, but thats the least we the guns could do.


What needs to be remembered is that without beaters their would be no need for guns, without guns there would be no need for beaters. It is an eternal circle both need each other for any shoot to be a success.



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The shoot i go on pays £12 without dog, £20 with. Soup, roll, sausage, cake and a couple of tins of beer/lagrer. A brace or two at the end of the day, beaters day and plenty of pigeon shooting. Not to mention ratting, lamping, corvid control (all with carts supplied), a load of logs, bit of venison. Carrying the gun when dogging in for a rabbit or two...........The list goes on.

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  • 1 year later...

I beat/pick up on a variety of shoots and choose to beat/pick up on keepers days. Some we get fed and watered, some also breakfast, some pay some dont.

I dont select shoots on the "perks" provided but do so on the sort of people running the show and my fellow beaters/pickers up and the countryside we operate on.

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