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Putting a pup in it place! :sly:


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As some may have seen I have recently gotten a new Springer puppy, she's only just 9 weeks old. Everything had been going swimmingly, however tonight a couple of have things have changed.


First off a little background info, we have been keeping the pup in the house she's sleeping in the utility room and has the run of that and the kitchen during the day. When we come home she is with us the whole time. She' getting lots of play time and petting, too much so. Wife has been making a right baby of her, but I said I'd leave it off she'd soon get sick of her after she'd put a hole in a shoe or the furniture and besides I didn't want to put her outside with the other 2 dogs until she was a bit bigger.


The pup herself is a very boisterous lively pup, she was the one running around with her nose on the ground and she always has her head stuck in something.


Anyway tonight she was on the floor in front of the couch lying down I bent down to pick her up and she growled at me, I caught her by the scruff of the neck and told her she was bold. A little while later she was walking around and was just about to take a whiz on the floor, when I went to grab her and put her on the paper, the little $H1T growled at me and snapped at my hand. I caught her up by the scruff of the neck and gave her a good shake and put her out in the dog run with the other 2.


At the moment she's out in the dog run whining looking to come in, but tonight she'll be staying in the kennel with the other 2 for first time.


My plan from now on is that we will be spending smaller periods of quality time with the pup rather than having her indoors the whole time lying in front of the fire, ******* and crapping all over the place. As for going out in the run with the other 2 she won't be long finding her place out there.


Even though I've pretty much decided on what course of action to take I'm still not sure that I'm doing things correctly, if any of ye Spaniel men or women (Suz) would like to make any suggestions, I would be more than happy to hear them.



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I think all pups will try it on, ive got one at the moment.if they snap at you like that they are testing how far they can push! my advice is you have to be cruel to be kind, if you dont stop it being like that now ultimatly if it carrys the trait into adulthood it could be a kid or someone else that gets bitten then the dog gets shot!

my pup has done the same recently what i have done to get her out of the habit is basically whenever she has shown any agression I have grabbed her and smaked her and shouted really loud so she has become scared, she has tried doing what you said also going for a nip as ive gone to grab her, she only did this once! i give her a right belt !

along with the punishment i have praised her for when she has done good also and now she will let the cat squeeze into her food bowl and has started to ask to go out for a pee rather than having a smack around the head for piddling indoors.

another thing i have taken anything off her like toys and bones when she has become protective of them, this has certainly helped

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Find something she doesn't like, and when she grwls or snaps let her have it.


I used a coke can with a couple of coins in it, I know FB111 used one of those party blowers that extend when you blow them. I think the experts call it "Noise avversion" or something like that.


My springer Merlin will grumble a little if you try to move him when he is settled, but now knows not to do anything else, I only need to show him the coke can and he knows his place.


Just don't confuse her, if she isn't allowed to do something then make sure it is all the time, not when you are at home and your wife is out or vice versa.


Most of all enjoy her as a pup, they soon grow up. :xmas::lol::):lol:

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First off I would get her crate trained so that she has her own place and is not allowed to run around the kitchen and utility room. This will also make house training easy. Second I would not paper train as this is just training them to mess in the house so that you can untrain them to have them mess outside. Just get her out every 1/2 hour 45 minutes, or if she has just been playing, eating, or woke from a nap. be sure to praise her when she goes with a good girl. If she has an accident in the house you can only scold her if you catch her in the act after 8 seconds it has left her head.


As for the growling and snapping, anytime a puppy gets carried away with its teeth I bite the little blighter back and I make it a good one so that they cry and yelp. Also have a read through this thread as it has a dominance excersie in it that I use on all of my pups with everyone in the faimly. I find if done when they are young I have no issues. It is also a good way to get the dog to relax when older for nail trimming etc.




Good luck and if you have any questions about the above I wil try to explain .



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I'll try those dominance exercises and I'll get the Mrs. to do them aswell, as for the crate training she won't be inside the house that much it wasn't the plan to keep her indoors anyway, the others are rarely left in, except sometimes if they've been out all day with me I let them come in and have a lie down by the fire.

This springer training is going to be quite an experience,

Anyway thanks for the replies!



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As for the growling and snapping, anytime a puppy gets carried away with its teeth I bite the little blighter back and I make it a good one so that they cry and yelp.




My dogs now 5 in human years and if he's playing up a quick show of my teeth and he instantly sits down.

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Like NTTF says, get it in the crate.


My cocker was having some problems in house training but as soon as he went into his crate he was a dream.


So much so that he wont even mess in his run.


As for snapping, a quick cuff followed by a big NO should soon sort them.


Also, when the dog is eating, take its food away from it, put it back, take it away and get everyone to do this in the house hold. This is another dominance thing and puts the pup in its place.

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Thanks for the Advice Lancs Lad,

I had forgotten about taking the food off the dog, so I've been doing that today, already the growling and snappy behaviour have stopped, just working on letting her know whose boss. Doing a small bit of training with her as well, she's now sitting when told, especially before being fed and I've started taking her out for little walks on the lead around the outside of the house, keeping things positive loads of praise and rewards.

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OMG Ive read all your posts,and i cannot believe for 1 seconds that your advising people to smack there dogs *** is that about??I'm a dog obedience and behaviorist,and i have never raised my hand to a dog,any breed and for any reason.i have 3 dogs that i can take anywhere anytime around ANY animal and never need worry that they will attack me or anyone else for that matter,nor growl at me,and i can take them round rabbits on there walks and they wont budge from me till i tell them to i have a house rabbit running about and my 3 dogs live along side it,but i only need tell them to retrieve and it would be dead in a second..reason being is i control everything about them,ESPECIALLY there prey drive,cause i am the alpha dog,i gained this through respect from me and also them i have never ever lifted a hand to my animals,YET i have perfectly controllable dogs.i have trained 1000s of dogs from puppies to adults,from rottweilers to yorkies,and have had perfect results,so please if your dog growls at you,and you smack him/her you have already lost the fight of trying to gain respect from your pup,by throwing him/her in the kennel you have just thrown a pack animal out of his pack for doing what is normal k9 behavior which is trying to become the alpha,now b4 you all start giving me **** I'm just giving my opinion,there like **** holes we all have them and most of them stink...if anyone needs advice you only need private message me and maybe can help

thanx claire x

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btw if this what you said did worked

"Anyway tonight she was on the floor in front of the couch lying down I bent down to pick her up and she growled at me, I caught her by the scruff of the neck and told her she was bold".

you wouldnt of needed to do that

"when I went to grab her and put her on the paper, the little $H1T growled at me and snapped at my hand"

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"As for the growling and snapping, anytime a puppy gets carried away with its teeth I bite the little blighter back and I make it a good one so that they cry and yelp"



omg omg i cannot believe what i am reading.would u do this with a large aggressive dog??a rottweiler thought not..maybe its pmt thats making me rant tonite,but omg do not hit,and bite your best mate

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dear dolly

i agree with you hitting a dog, is a big no no .but nipping/biting a pup is differant. have you ever watch a pup playing with another pup .when one pup gets tired what do it do to tell the other it do not want to play no more . they nip with their mouths .same with picking them up by the scuff. how are they carry by thier mums . now am no dog expert .but when it comes to bigger dogs like a large aggressive dog .then i would think you would be a fool to bite/nip that .and it would be delt with in some other way i should think . (i would like to shake the hand of any man who would try that method on such a big dog.thats if he still has one )like i said am no expert.

one thing i do know is like you most of us that come on here .and ask for advice is because of the love we have for are dogs .and none off us would see any harm done to then .

i have two dogs that are loved, pampered ,and well looked after (better then sweepy so he thinks ).and yes as pups i did nip/bit them .but i only had to do it a few times .

now looking at these two fuff balls curl up on my sofa i dont think it did them any harm .


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"As for the growling and snapping, anytime a puppy gets carried away with its teeth I bite the little blighter back and I make it a good one so that they cry and yelp"



omg omg i cannot believe what i am reading.would u do this with a large aggressive dog??a rottweiler thought not..maybe its pmt thats making me rant tonite,but omg do not hit,and bite your best mate



To answer your question Yes. Adult Sibes, sheperds, and rotties....and just incase you are wondering no they did not bite me during the exercise, and they never tried an agressive action after. All were problem dogs that were on their last chances or the owners were having them put down. And all lived very happy peaceful lives after.


Although I am not a fan of hitting a puppy or an adult, I will use postering, positioning, and yes teeth the same as another dog to teach lessons. I have even had to drink a pot of tea and back a dog into the corner and soak him as he was a constant offender of coming up behind and marking on me and others.....after, he never marked anyone again and learned that he was a subordinate on the property.


Positive reinforcement training is fabulouse for obediance and field work and is what I teach and use, however when it is a behaviour problem I find it is best to look at how a pack would deal with this and follow suit. Oh and pack behaviour is very prevalent in your thinking while raising and running 40 Siberians.



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OMG Ive read all your posts,and i cannot believe for 1 seconds that your advising people to smack there dogs *** is that about??I'm a dog obedience and behaviorist,and i have never raised my hand to a dog,any breed and for any reason.i have 3 dogs that i can take anywhere anytime around ANY animal and never need worry that they will attack me or anyone else for that matter,nor growl at me,and i can take them round rabbits on there walks and they wont budge from me till i tell them to i have a house rabbit running about and my 3 dogs live along side it,but i only need tell them to retrieve and it would be dead in a second..reason being is i control everything about them,ESPECIALLY there prey drive,cause i am the alpha dog,i gained this through respect from me and also them i have never ever lifted a hand to my animals,YET i have perfectly controllable dogs.i have trained 1000s of dogs from puppies to adults,from rottweilers to yorkies,and have had perfect results,so please if your dog growls at you,and you smack him/her you have already lost the fight of trying to gain respect from your pup,by throwing him/her in the kennel you have just thrown a pack animal out of his pack for doing what is normal k9 behavior which is trying to become the alpha,now b4 you all start giving me **** I'm just giving my opinion,there like **** holes we all have them and most of them stink...if anyone needs advice you only need private message me and maybe can help

thanx claire x




I go away for the day beating and I come back and my thread has been turned into a massive flare up..........


First off I don't condone hitting dogs, I don't hit my dogs and I don't have to, to get through to them. What ever I've done with the pup has worked and I didn't have to raise a hand to her, I got good advice from the old reliables here and I've been using it with good results so far. She's a cracking little pup and the last thing I'ld want to do is give her a belt. If that's what works for some owners fair enough, leave them at it.


Now as you said yourself 'maybe its pmt thats making me rant tonite' I don't think anyone on here wants to hear about your reproductive cycle, so leave it out.


I won't be PMing you for advice so you can hold on to it for yourself,


good luck and thanks!

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I have a shock collar for rental pm me please :lol:


I need one about a staffy size, not for the dog, I just know if it fits him it will fit the wife :good:


She lost her voice last week so I got her to cough into 74 jars, I'll swap ya the 4 odd jars if the collar fits :lol:

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I have a shock collar for rental pm me please :yes:


I need one about a staffy size, not for the dog, I just know if it fits him it will fit the wife :D


She lost her voice last week so I got her to cough into 74 jars, I'll swap ya the 4 odd jars if the collar fits :D


Sounds like a fair deal to me mate :good:


You can attach the sharp end to any collar provided its thin enough.






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"As for the growling and snapping, anytime a puppy gets carried away with its teeth I bite the little blighter back and I make it a good one so that they cry and yelp"



omg omg i cannot believe what i am reading.would u do this with a large aggressive dog??a rottweiler thought not..maybe its pmt thats making me rant tonite,but omg do not hit,and bite your best mate


A "dog obedience and behaviorist" pushing the myth that Rotties are an aggressive breed. Magic.

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I have a shock collar for rental pm me please :yes:


I need one about a staffy size, not for the dog, I just know if it fits him it will fit the wife :D


She lost her voice last week so I got her to cough into 74 jars, I'll swap ya the 4 odd jars if the collar fits :D


Sounds like a fair deal to me mate :good:


You can attach the sharp end to any collar provided its thin enough.







So I wont have to change the choke chain then?

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I have a shock collar for rental pm me please :o


I need one about a staffy size, not for the dog, I just know if it fits him it will fit the wife :D


She lost her voice last week so I got her to cough into 74 jars, I'll swap ya the 4 odd jars if the collar fits :D


Sounds like a fair deal to me mate :good:


You can attach the sharp end to any collar provided its thin enough.







So I wont have to change the choke chain then?



Unfortunetly it won't attach to a choke chain but trust me you won't need it :yes:






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