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Which power scope?


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I am using a 6x scope on my air rifle and find it pretty good at most things. I thought that as my rifle is a BSA lightening XL the range is limited anyway so why have a higher magnification. What do you guys think? Would I benefit from more (scope) power?


It's rare if I wind my scope past 6 on the air rifle. So I would say no :good:

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I have a 3-9x40 scope & more often than not, the zoom is set somewhere betwean 4 & 6x magnification.

Anything more without a bipod & the shake / wobble is so magnified, you can't easily hold the crosshairs steady.

For a non-FAC rifle you probably won't be shooting at distances that can make much use of the higher magnification anyway.

Whilst it's nice to have the flexibility of a zoom I also use a fixed 4x scope & that's perfectly adequate for most situations.

If you need 9x magnification to see what you're shooting at below 40 yards then either:-

1) Your eyes are so bad you shouldn't be let loose with a firearm as you are a danger to yourself & even people stood behind you, or

2)You're shooting something so small, you really shouldn't waste good pellets on it (try hitting it with a cricket bat)

Just jokin' 6x mag' is fine for most stuff.

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3~4 mag is about optimum for air rifle hunting ranges.


However if your intending to enter competitions the norm can be anything up to 32 mag for superior rangefinding with a lot of fiddling about.

ive a 3-9x50 and its always set at 6.5....works well for me

lee :good:

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