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8th Syndicate Day

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Had our eighth syndicate day today and for once I wasn't shooting, but in the beating line making sure things ran smoothly.


The last day we had before xmas was a struggle with the first four drives only producing five birds to the guns, it was almost like somebody had been through the drives before we had got there!!!


Today though, things went fantastically well, especially on the first three drives, we managed to get plenty of birds out from these drives as well as foxes, fallow, muntjac :D


The fourth drive was a strange one, because before xmas we did this as the seventh drive of the day to make up for the poor first four drives and it worked really well, with plenty shown and shot. Today though was not the same story with only two birds shown, one being a woodcock and the other being a cockbird which leads to a funny happening which I will recall later.


The fifth drive was one that we did last year but today was the first time we had pushed it. During the close season we agreed with the neighbouring shoot that they could resurrect the old pen within it and use it to release 200 birds in. Now the guy who runs this shoot is also a gun on our shoot and to make sure that good relations were kept between the shoot's, we also agreed that they couldn't push the wood or shoot it, and in return we wouldn't push it until Jan when they had had all their days. We had been told before and over xmas by the guy and another gun who had shoot on his shoot that there were plenty of birds still in and around the pen so we added it to the day, but unfortunately as far as I recall we only managed to put four or five birds out over the guns, four of which were hit.


The last drive is one where a no hen policy is in force (as were the 3rd & 4th), but we managed to put a good few birds over the guns.


Total bag for the day was 35 Pheasant's and 2 woodcock and without the hen bird ruling and some straighter shooting when the english partridge covey broke over the line we could have had a 60 bird day, but hey good birds were shown and fun had.


Thanks to MC and his mate for beating today as well, made all the difference having people who know what they are doing rather than people just out for a stroll. :good:


The funny incident I mentioned earlier happened to my Guest for the day a certain BASC Employee. On the fourth drive before lunch, the cock that got shot was brought down in a small river that runs behind the drive. No problems, said guest has his dog with him and sends it to retrieve. Dog goes in and because the bird has floated down the river a bit and lodged under a branch with leaves, twigs etc, dog can't find it or scent it. So guest decides to get a bit closer to where the bird is, actually standing on a branch/small tree that jutted out to give dog encouragement etc. Branch/small tree gives way sending guest into river (water over tops of wellies and the bank at Chest height) :good::lol::lol: But the bird was retrieved, thankfully.


The only slightly sour note was that two guns failed to show again this morning, one due to this Nora (Nova) virus which sounds bloody awful, and the other just because he is an ignorant *******, or to use the PW vernacular a ginger lesbian ****** (Cheers Mungler for these phrases), who won't be invited to re-join next year. This is the second time he has failed to phone saying he won't be attending whilst he also turned up on the shoot before xmas and threw a paddy before the day had even started and drove off in a huff, because nobody supported him over me having a polite word about phoning if unable to attend in order that we can fill the spot and make sure the keeper gets his money (A Deal agreed before beginning the season).


Looking back so far over the season with two days still to go and a keepers day as well, from 1000 birds put down and 20 -30 birds lost through starve out, chillin etc., we have managed to shoot 285 pheasants so far with a total bag including (pigeons, woodcock, jays, magpies, Redleg partridge) being 307. Hopefully we will have at least three more 30+ bag days so looking around 400 total bag return which, so I am reliably informed, is a very good return. This doesn't take into account the loss of poults through serious fox predatation (Long story).


Here's to hoping the last few days go just as well (especially as LB is up for next week's :lol:



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No problems SS, I thoroughly enjoyed it and James was well happy with his £20 and a few birds. It was funny to see the said BASC employee slip in the water and the comments about us getting free membership next year for A) rescuing him and :lol: for keeping it quiet seemed to fall on deaf ears :lol::D


If a few more people could actually shoot in your syndicate you would get some more birds, it is a pity about the fourth drive because things were going well up until then.


The no hens rule is a shame as well as after all you bought and reared them, why shouldn't you shoot them? You'll have to keep a close eye on LB :good: :good:


It is a real pity I have got another commitment on the 12th, I think what LB needs on a shoot day is a bit of barracking from the beating line. So I hope you won't let me down :lol:





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Time to send me some directions SS so I can start my journey on Monday.


I will be bringing my own duck call and airhorns so we can see who will be barracking who :good::lol::D:good:








I knew one of you wouldn't let me down,




If you struggled to find the Fennes at Braintree you have got no hope finding this one. I don't think monday will give you enough time :lol:

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sounds like a good day had by all :good:


well maybe not so good about the fella who took an early bath :look


theres always gonna be some ignorant people about to spoil things but at least he has now been outed and someone a bit more decent can fill an empty spot

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sounds like a good day, the return sounds fine, this year seems to have been a good year for holding birds and making them fly well. We put down about 1200 and are managing about 60 an outing average so not bad for 7 days so far. In our case its been helped by the keeper taking a back seat and a few of us who have known the drives for years running the beating line. Everyone has had fox problems this year we usually only shoot about 15 a year yet this year its not far off 40, and we saw two today one of which got a good hammering but made it off the farm unfortunately.

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It never ceases to amaze me how a syndicate member assumes that just because they have paid their fees, they have no obligation to tell anyone they are not able to attend a shooting day.

I have belonged to quite a few syndicates over the years and almost every one of them had such a fellow.

One syndicate had two members that paid their four figure subs and never shot one day all season. :lol:


If you are worried about LB not being able to tell the difference between a hen and a cock pheasant, then don't be.

What you really need to worry about is LB telling the difference between anything that flies and a pheasant. :lol: :lol:

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It never ceases to amaze me how a syndicate member assumes that just because they have paid their fees, they have no obligation to tell anyone they are not able to attend a shooting day.

I have belonged to quite a few syndicates over the years and almost every one of them had such a fellow.

One syndicate had two members that paid their four figure subs and never shot one day all season. :lol:


If you are worried about LB not being able to tell the difference between a hen and a cock pheasant, then don't be.

What you really need to worry about is LB telling the difference between anything that flies and a pheasant. :lol::lol:



I resent that statement Cranfield and I do know the difference between a bluebottle and a pheasant.


Anymore of that and I will ban you :lol::lol::lol:






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I cannot see how it it effects the quality of the day for anyone else, and hence if it is really that important to notifty the shoot, other than purely as good manners. If you have seven guns rather than the eight expected than the bag may be a bit lighter but pro rata the guns should have the same amount of shooting than if the full team were out. Those birds which would have been shot by the missing gun will be there for the next day. If you have shelled out alot of money for a syndicate place then is it not your perogative if you attend or not, or even tell them beforehand if you will be there for the shoot or not?

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I cannot see how it it effects the quality of the day for anyone else, and hence if it is really that important to notifty the shoot, other than purely as good manners. If you have seven guns rather than the eight expected than the bag may be a bit lighter but pro rata the guns should have the same amount of shooting than if the full team were out. Those birds which would have been shot by the missing gun will be there for the next day. If you have shelled out alot of money for a syndicate place then is it not your perogative if you attend or not, or even tell them beforehand if you will be there for the shoot or not?




Whilst I understand what you are saying and in general I would agree except that part of the agreement of having the number of guns we do on a day is to ensure that we have enough money to pay for the following on each day: -


Gamekeeper £20 (agreed manadatory figure to be paid per gun per day)

Beaters £10 (agreed mandatory figure to be paid per gun per day)

Food £5(agreed mandatory figure to be paid per gun per day)


It has nothing whatsoever to do with Bag numbers, those that know me can vouch that I am not interested in the numbers game, except to maintain good numbers to at least show over the guns, its upto them to hit them.


The person in question is known to be somewhat flakey, and this isn't the first time but the fourth. Now if we are informed that people are unable to make it for what ever reason, then they either send a replacement themselves or between the rest of us we can find someone willing to take that persons place.


I had two other guns not show other than those mentioned in the original post, both down with this horrible virus, but both had phoned in order that we had time to find alternative replacements. I managed to find one and another gun found another. Cheap days shooting £35 for a full driven day wouldn't you agree.


Getting back to the quality of the day being ruined for others; as I have already stated it is not the first time that this particular person has done it and after a polite word to him about it, he flew off the handle, demanding an apology for being asked to pay the costs associated even though he wouldn't have done if he had of phoned. Secondly because he didn't phone we assumed he was running late and waited for him delaying the start of the day. Thirdly because whilst having a moan about being asked to pay, he then turned up on one day, decided to have a public rant at me, and then when others had turned up stormed off.


This person is selfish, irresponsible, childish at best and rules of this forum don't allow me to say what I really think. To top it all off, I see this as a personnel kick in the face, as the person in question knows how much time and effort not just me but a few others have put into this and was one of the ones very quick to complain about the guy last year (See previous posts) for doing similar things. As a result of his behaviour and attitude some of the other guns have already expressed that they do not wish for him to be part of it next year.



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Positions on the drives is the main thing, although its not strictly about numbers its pretty depressing for a keeper to watch birds flying over somewhere where there would have been a gun had he bothered to turn up. Its also about common courtesy, if this bloke has any mates its not usually hard to give away a days driven shooting. Sounds like he just needs to be uninvited from the syndicate as one things for certain as you are finding if you have guns who bitch and moan behind your back it ruins your days sport.

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SS, You are much better off without him, as you hopefully appreciated I was just playing devils advocate.


I realise that it is difficult without knowing the full story. What really annoys me is that for two of those days he didn't show I know exactly where he was. He was on another shoot, confirmed to me by one of our mutal friends. That to me was the height if discourtesy.



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On a shoot of your size you should incorporate all the costs into the yearly fee-That way no-one is kept short of any additonal expenses. As for guns not showing up, the real problem only comes in on 'walked up' shoots where you need the bodies to cover the ground.


I have had a few people over the years who have paid their money and not shown up at all for the whole season, keeping in the syndicate just for the pigeon shooting when it takes their fancy. I turn all this around by taking their money and allowing more reliable people in, allowing for greater investment in other things to promote the shoot.


SS, easiest way to cure the non participents is to change the rules and cast them in stone.

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Some Photos from the BASC website, dodgy looking lot, especially the chap in the middle with the unshaven look <_< as well as the chap back right. :rolleyes:


Some Photos from the day taken by BASC eastern Region Rep


By the way the terrier is the Keppers dog and is a plummer terrier, used for Foxing, but surprised everyone last year when he picked up a bird on a blind retrieve approx 200 yards behind the gun line after other more experienced and suitable dogs couldn't.



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