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Some of you may recall one of my posts about our office being screwed on Christmas day. It was done again on Boxing day, and another part of the works done on Saturday night, through the roof.


The police recovered some excellent foot prints and some blood from the first break in.


I received a telephone call yesterday from CID, who informed me that they had a match on the blood. The chap is wanted for several jobs in St. Helens and Gloucester.


I have just done my formal police statement. Are you prepared to attend court? but of course, I do scrub up well.


Now all the police have to do is find the scrote.



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I dont think that the little dear cut himself too badly as the spots of blood were quite small, but sufficient to collect evidence. He was wearing gloves, but must have cut himself as be bashed his way through two panes of laminated glass.


I hope that he gets gangrene.



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Sooner or later he and I will have our day in court.


I really do scrub up great, and as a CPS specialist witness, am reasonably proficient in the witness box.


Plod reckons that from the chaps previous plus the stuff they currently want him for, he would be lucky to escape a prison sentence.


I shall keep PW advised as to further developments.


Could some one please advise as to the legality of my stating his details on here; once he has been convicted of course.



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