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Thanks LB


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Not much to report Cranny. I am easily pleased you see. Basically LB said he would come up and show us Ferrets at work as I was not completely sold on the idea. We went to a permission 5 mins drive from my house for a couple of hours. We only got one Wabbit, but the process in which we got it was great.


Neither my son or I had seen Ferrets work. I was impressed that after about 3 or 4 mins down the hole we heard a Rabbit screaming away, it then popped out the burrow. Amazing for someone who has never seen this before.


We then waited for the Ferrets to reappear, one came out in about 15 mins, the other had found something exciting and was staying down the hole. As LB was keen to look around, my son offeered (yes offered) to stay behind and wait for the missing Ferret. when we got back to him he was so excited in having caught the missing fezzer and put it back in the box with his chums.


He has not stopped taling about it. So I am pretty sure that we will want 2 Jills (the Polecat ones) ASAP.


I am loving this Ferret lark, and I think it's going to make my Land Owner a very happy man.


LB also gave the Landy a quick once over as well <_<

Edited by ShaggyRS6
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LB was kind enough to take me out a few months back ferreting, never been before, and like yourself shaggy i found it amazing, never imaged that any non shooting related sport could be that intresting. Again only the one bunny, however thats more to do with the LB and Dunganick Curse, which limits us to a combined bag of no more than 5 on any outing.


he also works wonders with cars.


LB you have PM too mate.

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