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New police initiative


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The police in Leicester have been given a new weapon to combat drink related crimes. sweets and lollipops <_< they have been given orders to hand the sweets to club goers as they leave the club, apparently this new initiative will reduce street fighting and anti social behaviour caused by drink, all remarks welcome ???:huh::no::lol: Just see the doorman taking on this responsibility, OI CALM DOWN ,ER HAVE A SWEET. its true

Edited by Fleabag
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I can't believe that grown ups come out with stuff like this.


What do the politicians and police chiefs actually do? Ask their children for advise? Want a fight? No daddy I want a lolly pop. Ah, there is a good idea to cut drink related crime.


Not that beating them over the head with a casco and nicking them and making the charge stick, putting them in a cell and fining them heavily the following day would have any effect.

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I just Googled "police lollipops sweets" and found it's becoming quite a successfull inititive all over the UK.


There is something satisfying about sucking a sweet that would also occupy and calm someone just emerging from intense activity and noise I guess.

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