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Shooting with my PW fleece

death from below

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Going out into the field 2moro and I will be wearing my posh green PW fleece for the first time....lets see how good it is at soaking up the red stuff and holding off mud when I fall out of my foldy deck chair whilst eating my cheese sarnies. I wil report back in 6 months when i will stil hopefully be wearing it without it having been washed - lets see what state it is in then.....will the logo stil be shining bright or will it have gone the way of most of my gear so that i lok like a camo ***** in it.

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I've worn mine clay shooting a few times :lol:


I haven't been jumped by any hot totty yet though :mad:


Depending which part of the country you are in, a good tip is to pin a note on the front of your fleece, that attracts the hot totty.

For Manchester, try a fiver. :lol: :lol:


Are you casting nasturtiums on our fine upstanding Mancunian tart....er...women? :lol:

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How much are these fleeces and where can I get one.


I am looking at getting a new fleece and if these are cheap enough i might buy one


We had some Regatta fleeces complete with the authentic Pigeon Watch badge sewn on, available just before Christmas at £15 incl P&P.

Unfortunately, (or fortunately depending on how you look at it), they have all been sold now.

We will be doing something similar in the future. :mad:

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How much are these fleeces and where can I get one.


I am looking at getting a new fleece and if these are cheap enough i might buy one


We had some Regatta fleeces complete with the authentic Pigeon Watch badge sewn on, available just before Christmas at £15 incl P&P.

Unfortunately, (or fortunately depending on how you look at it), they have all been sold now.

We will be doing something similar in the future. :lol:



Hey up.....you told me they had been painted with super duper ultra violet invisible paint that attracted the woodies and guaranteed me to get at least a 100 bag.......and the badge also can be used as a field dressing should I blast my toes off whilst falling over backwarss going for a high bird :mad:

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How much are these fleeces and where can I get one.


I am looking at getting a new fleece and if these are cheap enough i might buy one


We had some Regatta fleeces complete with the authentic Pigeon Watch badge sewn on, available just before Christmas at £15 incl P&P.

Unfortunately, (or fortunately depending on how you look at it), they have all been sold now.

We will be doing something similar in the future. :blush:


Thanks for that

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