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Strange looking Pigeon


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My shooting partner was decoying in a field of peas several months ago when a dirty great fox came galloping across the field, picked up one of his shell decoys without stopping, looked somewhat bewildered, spat it out again in disgust, and continued across the field :angry:

Hi mate, you should have tried feeding the fox something else to get even better results- 32g of size 5. :huh: I take it this farm doesn't have chickens or a game shoot otherwise the farmer wouldn't be best pleased!

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I would advise against foxes unless you know for definite the farmer wants them shot. It could well be that it is hunt territory or that the farmer is a hunting man. Also plenty of farmers like to see the odd fox around, hepls keep the rabbits on their toes.


I am saying this from experience, once shot a couple of well grown cubs on a farm I had been rough shooting on for years (still do fortunately), only to get an earfull from the farmer. He had only been feeding them every evening in the stack yard!

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Jono and I were out last week and a female Peregrine swooped low over the hedge we had our hides backed against and had a go at one of the home made flying birds on the rotary...


The same thing happened to me at Uley 4 miles away 4 days later, (probably the same bird) this time I was using real birds on the rotary and she hit one so hard I thought she had injured herself. She would not let go for a while and was spinning with the rotary. I had company in the hide of the Landowners 13 year old Grandson and he was well chuffed.


I also had a hang glider land about 15 m from my deeks about 3 years ago


However about 10 years ago we had a very severe hailstorm in Glos and in various parts of the county numbers of miniture tropical tree frogs were falling out of the sky ( Honest, I havent been drinking ) and one fell into our decoy pattern Nr. Cirencester. The phenomenon was in the National press and it was apparently caused by severe tropical water spouts picking these thing up in Central America and bringing them over the Atlantic at high altitude.


Beat that! :lol::D

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  • 2 weeks later...

cant say i`ve ever had any thing other than the odd sparrowhawk,however i once had a seal surface amongst my duck deeks,and if youve ever heard one of those big m*$£&%**kers exhale at 20yds on a calm morning that is also change of pants time,at least when aircraft are coming the noise builds up,but a big ****** erupting like a polaris snorting twice then seeing me and exiting at 20 knots scattering deeks everywhere.I know who got the bigger surprise[just as well i wore waders!]

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