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I've decided to send some letters to some golf courses in my area and have a couple of questions. The first is would i be correct in thinking that they should be addressed to the greenkeeper?. the second is how to contact them, do i sent the letters to the club or does the course have a different address?




Edited by ss12
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It might be better to write to The Secretary, who will forward your letter on to the most appropriate person.

Some golf courses use Contractors and part time greenkeepers, so contacting them might be difficult, they also probably won't have the authority to give you permission.


The letter should be addressed to The Secretary and the address will be in the telephone directory.

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First bit of advice from me, and others, if you can avoid it don't write to anyone.

The letter will probably be opened by a secretary and binned as junk/circular.

I have done this and never heard a dicky bird.


Either go down there and talk to the man himself, or phone him up.

Once you have him onside, he can sell it to the club secretary.

If you phone, don't be put off by the fact he is out doing his rounds, ask what time he has his coffee break or lunch break and phone back then.

They will almost certainly say, 'thanks, but we already have someone' but make sure you get your details to him somehow, because that someone may let them down at some point and that is your in.


I got a slot on a local'ish golf course through persistance (and believe people mug each other for shooting permission where I live) and I intend to keep it by turning out through the good and bad times to keep on top of them. I also pick up all of my empty rimfire rounds (so semi auto's are useless for this) and any litter I see, don't walk on greens etc etc.


Good luck, and don't forget them peskie g*lfers are on the course every second of daylight there is, so expect to be out there at all hours.


It's great shooting though, I love it, I can't wait for spring/summer.


Good tip from LB, find a member and get the greenkeepers name and maybe even his mobile number.

We are working on getting onto another huge course using this method . . .

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Well done.


Mark, when people find out what I do it does help. Some people are a bit nervous about about having a total stranger loose on their land or near their house with a gun!

One of the golf courses have had their shop broken into a few times and the thought of an off duty policeman walking round the area is reassuring for them.


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