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Fox shot with 17 hmr

Guest fred101

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Guest rabgoat

I shot this vixen on tuesday evening,it was getting dark when she showed up,i got her attention with this home made decoy i knocked up,,,linkweasel ball decoy,and the johnny stewart predator call (electronic),shot at 80 yds with a 20gr gamepoint,she was facing me so i placed the round in the chest between the front legs,dropped on the spot,it was starting to stink bad with the mange,,,,,,,,,(I got a video of it as well but the camcorder went and ballsed up on me and iv'e lost the best part at the end of it)) :good:post-5826-1202988592.jpg

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Guest rabgoat
:lol: Lads i got some of the video clip sorted,it's poor poor quality :lol: ,,it was nearly dark,,and i actually copied this of the pc screen with my new camcorder,,it's just to show you's how the weasel ball decoy will draw the fox in close enough for a shot,,youtube link..
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Well done rab great to see you getting good success with your hmr :angry: I used to knock a good few with mine before i got my 223 very capable little round in the right hands :good:

How do you find the knocking power of the 20grainers in comparison to the v-max's?I have a couple of boxes of xtp's but never got to use them on a fox yet so dont know how they perform :good:

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Guest rabgoat

thanks lads :good: that's the first one iv'e shot with the 20gr round,,I couldn't see any noticeble damage but there was a lot of blood,i done some testing on thick catalouge books and the tnt 17gr seemed to do more damage as it traveled but the 20gr went that bit further,the v-max just went to piece's ,but i might end up going back and staying with the v-max's because of the way they break up inside and should do more internal damage..what do you think,,

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