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any one do camping?fox shooting


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hi every one..

is there any one who does weekend camping who wouldnt mind some company??

or are you planning any thing for summer?

i dont mind were and when and i am willing to travel..

would really like to give a rim fire or centre fire ago,

shooting fox or what ever really..


or do you know any where that does camping and shooting weekends??


many thanks for any and all repys in advance

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i guess you never had a try of a rimmy before you bought yours did you??i appreciate your concern but not the negativeness of it..you should try encourage more people to the sport not denie them the chance "in my eyes","you going to invite me"?? B)

as for other replys many thanx..


browning, mate could you pm me details please..


oh and sorry for up setting any one but i thought camping and shooting would be available and im sure theres many people who do, do it..


starligh32, many thanx mate, been thinking about throwing my self in army for a while actualy but dont fancy get shot lol :good: ..


country_est, thanks mate will keep a eye out :welcomeani: ..


ferretman, thanks for reply too mate, well i am in a situation were i cant get a decent shoot so i have to consider other ways :good: ,,thought camping or meeting some one further away who shoots for some camping may be a good idea..to tell the truth it dont have to be just rimmy, i would like to give ferreting ago as well as dogs and shotguns and i have airguns..

thanx all

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im in sutton coldfield mate..

i would like to do a weekend camping in the summer months but to tell the truth i aint really bothered about the cold unless its like 0 degrees and under :good: ..

i was thinking of going this cottage in the magazines but the prices were silly..

i dont mind paying either but for me its about getting out and meeting people with same interests, i wouldnt like to be stuck out in a field by me self like :welcomeani: ..

thanks for replys

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i guess you never had a try of a rimmy before you bought yours did you??i appreciate your concern but not the negativeness of it..you should try encourage more people to the sport not denie them the chance "in my eyes","you going to invite me"?? :drinks:

as for other replys many thanx..


browning, mate could you pm me details please..


oh and sorry for up setting any one but i thought camping and shooting would be available and im sure theres many people who do, do it..


starligh32, many thanx mate, been thinking about throwing my self in army for a while actualy but dont fancy get shot lol :sick: ..


country_est, thanks mate will keep a eye out ??? ..


ferretman, thanks for reply too mate, well i am in a situation were i cant get a decent shoot so i have to consider other ways :drinks: ,,thought camping or meeting some one further away who shoots for some camping may be a good idea..to tell the truth it dont have to be just rimmy, i would like to give ferreting ago as well as dogs and shotguns and i have airguns..

thanx all


Maybe its different down your neck of the woods martin but if a bloke up here asked to go camping with another bloke and asked to have a play with his "rimmy"the aforementioned bloke would be lying on the floor with a bust nose,and yes i would denie you access to my "rimmy".As for your suggestion of giving ferreting a go,is that normal ferreting or chutney ferreting? :mad: You then suggested "going cottageing"in a later post and said you dont mind paying!!Are you just looking for some macho hunter gatherer or are you what i think you are, a wind up merchant.

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Not only am I concerned about the OP but also some of the replies! I though PW stood for Pigeon watch, not puffwatch lol!


To the op, I think you must be a wind up troll but if not they are inferring your looking for homosexual activities. Rimmy/cottaging etc?


I can't see anyone with a firearm being ok with going camping with a complete stranger, far too much potential for things to go wrong above and beyond the normal risks associated with teaching a novice. And trying to teach someone at night? It's just a recipe for disaster. I often do clay coaching and it can be a trial to say the least during the day.

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not at all,

seems like theres a few people who like to talk gayness on here and i for one cannot talk about it so keep your filfy comments to your self..

i just want to get out shooting and meet other people and give rim and centre fire ago thats all..

no need to show me piccys of your self dressesd up for your shoot!

i wear cammo "realtree" not bright pink ****..

if you cant give me a decent reply why waste your time and mine?

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i think it is starting to get puff watch on here,

i can understand your concern but how do other people get rim and centre fire when they have never had one before?and how do they know they will like it?

just go in the shop and buy one?

no surely theres places that do meets and do trials..

i dont know why people need to be so negative..

sorry i asked..

i wont comment on this post again as some of the replys are out of order..

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