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Another US shooting


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Its been said before and it will be said again.


You can impose all the laws you want, it won't stop illegal gun trade and it won't stop an idiot being born every minute.


The only way to stop gun crime would be to erradicate the manufacture of guns and seize all of those in existance until all are completely abolished, and nobody wants that :lol:


Somehow, somewhere and in some way the illegal gun trade will continue, regardless of legislation

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Its nothing to do with gun control or illegally held firearms, however it doesn't say so in the article but chances are that these were legally held. Its Americas gun culture and a society gone wrong.


Spot on. As the old adage goes, guns don't kill people, people kill people.

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well how many more will die befor they do gun control.


The shooting deaths in the UK prove that "gun control" doesn't always work.


very few are with legally held guns though. If we had free access to guns as in the US then we would expect far more of the wacko type incidents like this. Illegal guns may be relatively easy to get hold of but not as easy as going to the local supermarket.

I feel we have the right amount of regulation and I feel safer that you have to go through the hoops to get guns it makes you think more about why you want them and that if you mis behave they are gone. Look at the stats on US hunting accidents and you begin to see that freedom to shoot most weapons on a lot of public land isn't such a good thing

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