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Gun re-blueing cost?


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Just treated my gun to a wood re-oiling and its come back looking amazing!! Cant believe how good it looks. Problem now is that the slight blueing loss on some parts of the barrel makes me feel tempted to get the barrels done too!


How much would you expect to pay a gunsmith to do it professionally? Going to get a quote tomorrow but can ask around if they seem too unreasonable.

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Thanks all for the replies. Seems to vary greatly as I rang a few local places. From £90 upto £200!


Doesnt matter now though anyway as the gunshop I bought my gun from managed to give me barrels from a different gun so they dont fit properly and I have to send it back AGAIN. I say again because I bought a new gun from them which proved to be faulty, then they refused to refund me so I go for a Winchester and then when I come to pick it up they've managed to give me the wrong barrels as they somehow managed to take mine off and put a different guns ones on there. Serial numbers are all mixed up so glad I didnt go straight out and get them blued. Waiting for my matching serial barrels to arrive now... So much for shooting this weekend with it for the first time :/

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hi i got my sable done a few monts back and it cost m £120. a guy told me that there is tw types of prices on the market, one around the £40 mark and the other in the £100 mark. he told me that you get what you payed for. if you pay for it cheply then the marks and rust will come back in a number of years and if you pay for the expensive one then if you look after the gun properly you will never have a problem again. hope this helps. regards.



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