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If only life were so easy...

The Great Cornholio

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If only life were so easy...


Dear Mr. Cornholio,

We have reason to believe you were involved in the robbery at Barclay's last Tuesday.

We shall be calling round to arrest you on Wed 19 March at 10am.

If you will not be at home, you must inform us and make a new appointment. Failure to do so will result in up to a £1000 fine and/or imprisonment.


Yours' Sincerely.

Constable Dixon.

Dock Green Police Station.

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My Dear Mr Corholio:


You will probably get another letter, if you are not at home at the time of your appointment, arranging another appointment.

You may then get only one more reminder, but after that, they may well just leave it.

After all, they may feel that the said bank, probably deserved it anyway.


I would advise you to ring the bank, if only to confirm that they actually rang the Police, as it may be a 'wind up'.


They may not have bothered, as every time I go in there, they seem to very busy with only 2 cashiers trying to deal with a queue which reaches right around the corner to Woolworth's.


Good luck, and if you don't get arrested, could you get me a Plasma TV. :lol:



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If I have offended you then I duly apologise.


I was merely replying to what was an obvious 'tongue in cheek' post.


As a long standing member of these forums, you of all people should be able to recognise a bit of juvenile humour.


Once again, I apologise.




P.s I take no offence to your blasphemous slur.

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If I have offended you then I duly apologise.


I was merely replying to what was an obvious 'tongue in cheek' post.


As a long standing member of these forums, you of all people should be able to recognise a bit of juvenile humour.


Once again, I apologise.





I feel it is not me that you should be apologising to.

There are a few on here that know me well and they will tell you that I love a bit of banter. Juvenile humour is all very well, but this has gone past that now and is tantamount to bulling. The thread that was locked, if it was aired in a school playground, most of the contributors would have been up in arms that children could treat each other so. Please spare a though for those less fortunate than yourself.



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If I have offended you then I duly apologise.


I was merely replying to what was an obvious 'tongue in cheek' post.


As a long standing member of these forums, you of all people should be able to recognise a bit of juvenile humour.


Once again, I apologise.





I feel it is not me that you should be apologising to.

There are a few on here that know me well and they will tell you that I love a bit of banter. Juvenile humour is all very well, but this has gone past that now and is tantamount to bulling. The thread that was locked, if it was aired in a school playground, most of the contributors would have been up in arms that children could treat each other so. Please spare a though for those less fortunate than yourself.




TC: Thank you for your most Christian purgation.



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pirate, have you nothing better to do than act like a child, tool



You seem to be a very angry person, hell bent on a self destructive path.


No one on these forums has aimed anything at you personally, only for the content of your posts.


If you have a gripe with me, you can quite easily find me and voice your grudges, without the anonymity of forums.


You could do little better than to sign off, and reflect in the morning.



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