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Any Mechanics Help Please


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Too much smoke can either be poor combustion or oil getting into the cylinder.

How many miles has it done? And what kind of previous owners had it had? If the engine has been fuelled up but not back timed, the diesel burns very poorly. If its oil (white smoke, or blue if it is a lot) we are talking valve stem seals or similer, which is fixable but a gold-plated pain in the **** (cylinder head off).


Hope this helps!

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not needed Jim it'll go through,


my old fourtrak used to be a classic they'd rev it to the limiter and fill the testing station with soot then the next two runs it would run clean and pass, our 406 diesel used to fail every time unless it had a good thrash and injector cleaner bunged in. Allegedly you can mix a gallon of petrol in with a tank of diesel and that has a similar effect but not sure I'd want to try it

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Im sure it will go through with a thrash/ injector cleaner, but having them done properly will increase the fuel economy by a fair margin - injector cleaning fluids clean them, they dont match and balance the spray patterns like having them done properly will.

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1.chuck an injector cleaner in it

2. check air filter replace if dirty

3.thrash the foooook out of it before you take it for retest really get it hot and hold throttle down for 3 seconds do this a few times until smoke stops


i guess your reading was 3.4 as the limit is 3.0 for td watch the tester see if he is flooring it and holding it down when he revs it up if not tell him too

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not needed Jim it'll go through,


my old fourtrak used to be a classic they'd rev it to the limiter and fill the testing station with soot then the next two runs it would run clean and pass, our 406 diesel used to fail every time unless it had a good thrash and injector cleaner bunged in. Allegedly you can mix a gallon of petrol in with a tank of diesel and that has a similar effect but not sure I'd want to try it


won't condone or recommend it but have done it and it worked, no apparent ill effects



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A bloke at work who is an mot tester has done the old trick with the injector cleaner a few times on his van. But he doesnt put it in the tank what he does is remove the fuel filter and pour out the diesel then fill the filter up with injector cleaner :good: not sure if you woud be able to do this as depends where your filter is and what type of filter it is.

also im not sure if this could have any other consequences :hmm:

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