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Best Pellet for HW80


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What pellet is the best to use for hunting in a HW80, i have used Eley Wasps and Bulldogs (cheap and what i thought was cheerful) the Bulldogs haven't been good at all, they don't fit well and fall out the breech and gets crushed in the break.


Am looking to shoot at 30-40 yards and need it to be accurate, hard hitting and not too expensive.

Many thanks, HSH :good:

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Decided to try some and see what works best, am buying a few tins from but not AA Field cos price is an object.

Am going to try:


Eley Wasps

Milbro Select

Milbro TR

RWS Superdome

AGS Elite Dome

Daystate FT

RWS Hobby

BSA Elite

BSA Storm


Am going to try all of these pellets but are there any that definitely need to be removed from my list cos they're terrible its just that AA Fields are 7 or 8 quid a tin and the max i want to spend is £6


Many thanks, HSH :welcomeani:

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Another vote for H&N FTT - My HW80 loves them!


I just bought some from here: http://www.redrae.co.uk/


Free postage, and when I added them to my cart, they were £1 less than advertised, so it looks like I'll be getting them for £6.95 for 500. I had a good look round for prices on the net, and couldn't find them any cheaper, unless you bought in bulk(10+ tins).

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  • 1 year later...

hi HSH


So you use the RWS superdomes? Did u ever do the testing of all the other pellets? I have just ordered a new .22 HW80K and would like to know what pellets they generally prefer, i understand each gun is different.. :good:


Was your HW80 a new or older model ?

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Great to see you've found a pellet that suits your gun-best thing to do now is stick to it and use the confidence that you have to improve your shooting.By the way -my HW80 loved wasps-i spent a fortune on "top" brands but an old tin of wasps came to light in the cupboard nearest the back door when i was about to pop a squirrel that destroys my hazelnuts every year-i only had one chance of a head shot when he peered thru two branches to check that all was well-unfortunatly it wasnt in his case and the wasp put an end to his thieving habit.I was so impressed that i set up a target and tried further shots and was amazed at the acuracy of such a cheap pellet.That was a few years back though and im sure ive heard that wasps are now made by another company and that quality has taken a nose-dive.Enjoy the 80 and good luck. :good:

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Great to see you've found a pellet that suits your gun-best thing to do now is stick to it and use the confidence that you have to improve your shooting.By the way -my HW80 loved wasps-i spent a fortune on "top" brands but an old tin of wasps came to light in the cupboard nearest the back door when i was about to pop a squirrel that destroys my hazelnuts every year-i only had one chance of a head shot when he peered thru two branches to check that all was well-unfortunatly it wasnt in his case and the wasp put an end to his thieving habit.I was so impressed that i set up a target and tried further shots and was amazed at the acuracy of such a cheap pellet.That was a few years back though and im sure ive heard that wasps are now made by another company and that quality has taken a nose-dive.Enjoy the 80 and good luck. :good:


Hiya, I'm not an experienced shooter, but, used to own a HW80, and when I bought it, the chap that sold it to me told me to buy Wasps for it ....he gave me a tin with the gun to keep me going...and, I found them to be superb pellets...no problems at all....they were the ones in the blue label tin,...and I think they were original to the gun..

I've not got a clue about newer makes, but, have fun anyway...:)

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