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Lay-out hides

henry d

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For those who asked about them elsewhere, I had a few goes in the garden just to see how it felt and to see if I could better it by adding some camo scrim etc. see below




I bought one and tried it out for woodpigeon first and the only place I could use it at first was on a sheep fodder(neeps and kale) field.

It wasn`t ideal as it was higher than a lot of the ground, but needs must and it did work even though it wasn`t the correct colour. I didn`t "mud" it at that time as it was summer, but there were loads of weeds to fill the camo loops(these help to use any weeds/straw/foliage break the outline up)

You need to work out where the birds may come from, the wind direction and how able you are to sit up and which way you can swing your gun the best.




The birds din`t seem to mind and came in so low that I had difficulty seeing them until the last second, mainly due to the terrain and lying flat on my back. When I used it on the geese, it was a little different as I had "mudded" it and set the decoys in front of me low and behind high and this adds to the 3D picture and I was amazed to see 100`s of them pile in over my head from 100yds up.


I have to thank roe doe M.Robson and the guys from "upland journal" for their help with using the layout blind :lol:

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I was looking at these in one of the shooting Mags the other day, just couldnt figure out why you would want to lay in a field in one of these to be honest...guess it would be different if using a riffle then a Shottie.


At least H seems to have a smile on his face :lol:

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I was looking at these in one of the shooting Mags the other day, just couldnt figure out why you would want to lay in a field in one of these to be honest...guess it would be different if using a riffle then a Shottie.


At least H seems to have a smile on his face :lol:


Who's in the sack with 'im? :lol: :lol:



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I was looking at these in one of the shooting Mags the other day, just couldnt figure out why you would want to lay in a field in one of these to be honest...guess it would be different if using a riffle then a Shottie.


At least H seems to have a smile on his face :lol:


Who's in the sack with 'im? :lol: :lol:




Her name is Ana, but I have to confess she`s 28 !!


The reason is clear when you shoot geese in an area that has lots of them shot at on a 6 out of 7 day basis. They get spooky of decoy set ups near hedges and will settle in the middle of fields only.


I never got to use it on corvids as the silage was cut before I got the hide, however I can see it working well with it set up in the cut hay/silage near a dead bunny :lol:

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