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A very busy Easter


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I just got back from my Easter Goat cull at Bathurst, we were there for 4 days and managed to cull over 80 goats, I managed to get some good and interesting trophies, we were there from Easter Friday and went home Easter Monday.

There were some great shots all round and we gained access to a new 3000ac property where we got Goats and a Donkey and we have plans to get back there as soon as we can, I had a Canadian mate with me for the week in hopes of getting him a trophy Goat and Fallow buck to mount so we focused more on quality then then on quantity like the others did, these were our best.


Black Billy, one shot at 350m with a 28.5" spread



Very interesting head shot at 150m that went 25" but had very rare horns



Great billy that my mate took at 160m that is getting mounted and sent back to Canada, he took it and then I took the one above from the same mob, it went 31" ;D




After we got back I had to work for 2 days before we headed off to try for a Fallow Buck, all went well for me with two does in the frezzer and this nice Buck off to the taxidermists to get mounted, oh well he did get the good goat :lol:


I took him after stalking into a gully system until I found some game trails that showed signs of heavy use, I sat down and used a deer call and waited for over over 1 hour until a doe and fawn came down to feed, it was at this point I grew to love the cover scent that I had made as the doe would sniff and look in my direction as the wind shifted but showed no other signs of alarm.

After I watched them for another 30min and was starting to think about moving on as it was getting late I caught movement 75m from my position, it was the Buck that I was waiting for, he made his way to the valley floor and seemed to look right at me, I froze and thought "this is it, he's going to run" he then turned side on and I raised my rifle when he started to rub on a tree!!!


Wow he didn't see me, I had my mate snap a few photos of him before I said "I'm gunner take him" I lined up his right shoulder and squeezed off a 220gn pill from the H&H, he jumped clean up in the air at the shot and bolted across the vale floor, I lined him up to fire again but my mate said that he was hit good, after 50m he just dropped.

We waited 10min before going to check him (a very very long 10min) he was lying against a log stone dead, my shot was good as I had hit him right on the right hand shoulder totally smashing it, shredding his lungs and punching a hole the size of a tennis ball just behind his left front shoulder. I have no idea how he ran so far with the damage he took but this was one tough animal.


My mate took some great photos but didn't bring the cord to download them to the computer, I will put them up when he sends me the disk.



Edited by SPEEDY
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Good to hear from you again Speedy, its been a while. Looks like you've been busy, some impressive billy's there :hmm:


Yep, I have been flat chap between work and weekend duties (i.e fishing and shooting :good:) and haven't had a chance to take any time out yet.


Brilliant pics Speedy and a great story as well. You've certainly got some great hunting there :lol:

What sort of money do the billy horns make?


Don't know I have never sold any, but I see mounts selling for $750 or so and as it only costs $550 to get one mounted I'm actually thinking getting a heap mounted just to sell, that might help to pay for my new toy's



Fantastic pics and report speedy as always.


Shame your mate didn't get the fallow as well, but its an excuse for him to come back and try again.


I have my mate coming back on the 24th of next month for the long weekend to try again so I will have to make a few more trips down there before hand to find rubs etc. but he should do better this time, I also told him to leave those damn 130gn Barnes TSX's at home and to bring 150gn Accubonds instead.

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