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Anyone watch "Coast"


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Great series, absolutely loved it. Just watching the re-visted series now.


Side note, is it just me or is Dr Alice Roberts the ultimate thinking man's totty? Might just be me :good:

she dun't look bad pin. shame she's a bloody yuppy she doesn't say coast she says caaaist.

it isnt her natural accent she doesn't always say it the same, affected bitch. you can have her.

good job she dunt *** from yorkshire where we talk reight tha nooas. :blush:

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Its a good program but why o why to the BBC have to flog it to death by repeating it so many times. It must have been repeated at least 8-10 times in the past year.


I'll tell you why the robbin **** repeat everything it's cos the people at the top are stuffing my hard earned tv license money up there nose's an thus can not affoard to make new programs /


all the best yis yp :lol:

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