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polar bear attack


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Good Grief !!!


It was the foot pic that me me cringe..



**** me!!! I Googled to find the foot picture to check what I'd seen before, and found some 'orrible pictures of a Porsche crash where a guy in the car got the top half of his head sliced off :blush:


I have to say I'm not particularly squeamish, but they nearly ****** me up.


I've got to take my hat off to Police, Firemen, soldiers, ambulancemen, paramedics and anybody else who has to deal with sights like that

Edited by Chard
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:good: Im pretty sure Ive seen that foot in a book and it was a gunshot wound. :good:



I have seen this photo on three websites. Twice on shooting forums (once as shotgun wound and now as a bear attack). And I have also seen it on a motorcycle forum as a bike crash wound..


All of the photos a seperate none related persons and accidents. :good: That foot wound is most certainly not from a bear attack. Notice how the tendon is still there, if it was a bite, there would be more lacerations, and the tendons would have been severed. I would say the most obvious is its either from a vehicle crash or its a GSW.


It doesnt bother me seeing photos like this, but it would have bothered me if I was there having to deal with the accident.. would sure get the heart rate up a bit. :good:

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