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Roosting pigeons plus bonus duck & rabbit

Fisherman Mike

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Had a very pleasant evening yesterday on one of my shoots. Settled down in a box hedge in a medium sized copse next to the river which I had seen a number of Pigeons using as a roost.


Shot 9 birds out of 17 Shots and a bonus mallard drake that got a bit disorientated and a rabbit which was feeding happily about 30 yards away


Could have shot a Charlie that wandered about 30 feet from me but by the time I reached for a heavier load cart I think he must have smelt me because he went off like a rocket.


Got a bit spooky later with all the owls hooting and the wind creaking the branches in the trees. Picked up all but one bird which must have been a runner. No doubt that fox will have him.



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Were they steel? How did you find them?

Yes.... Lyalvale Express Steel 32 G No. 4 ( only plastic wad unfortunately)


I could get used to them.


No. 4 is not a shot size I would use normally in lead for pigeon as I generally use a 6 or 7 but they killed all the birds I hit bar one at my normal shooting distance.



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Could have shot a Charlie that wandered about 30 feet from me but by the time I reached for a heavier load cart I think he must have smelt me because he went off like a rocket.

If the fox was only about 30 feet away from you why would you have needed a heavier cartridge, especially if you were using no.4 shot.

Sorry but I was just curious.

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Ollie You are quite right in fact I asked myself that question after it had bolted..


But having shot very few foxes with a shotty I was not confident that the size 4s would have been enough to kill it cleanly. I know now that it probably would have been, but having trained myself over the years to be ultra careful when shooting, especially alone, I was not completely certain. Discretion being the better part of valour.



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The last time I shot a fox was a chance encounter as I was approaching a wide gap in the hedge to survey the field for pigeons. I was about 10 yards from the gap when a fox trotted past about the same distance from the hedge on the other side. I fired in front of him and he fell instantly and didn't need a second shot to finish him off.


Cartridge: Express Pigeon Special 30 gram No 6 shot through 1/2 choke.

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The last fox I shot when I was roost shooting was one very windy night in a fur plantation and there was a tree creaking beside me with the wind which sounded a bit like a fox barking and all of a sudden I heard a fox barking down the wood. Everytime this tree creaked the fox replied, so i sat tight and resisted shooting pigeons that were coming in around me and after about 20 mins the fox walked straight up to me and I cleanly killed him with No. 6. I couldn't believe my luck that a healthy dog fox came straight up to me.

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