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I've heard a rumour that Litts....


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Shame to see the shop go bust as it was fairly local (50 mile round trip), however I must echo what most others are saying about the total ignorance of Master Andrew Litt :lol: and the vast majority of his staff, they would be all over you like a nasty rash when you were purchasing a gun and completly ingore you next vist, even push past you to suck up to someone who was percieved as one of ther lovies :yes: , this comes as no suprise to me as this has been on the cards for a while now listenining to the grapevine, was not happy when I left a rifle with them last year to have a moderator fited they promised me it would be back in 2 weeks when I rang to check it was back from Nigel Teagues they were totally dismisive about my questions and told me to ring back in a weeks time turned out to be 4 weeks later I got it back

Oh well Peter Keen has a captive market now he should see an upturn in sales as long as he revises his prices they are reasuringly the most expensive anywhere :rolleyes:

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Agree with the majority of your comments TT but I have to honestly say that I have had a good deal over the years from Keens. Especially David ,"Dai" ,you can always haggle with him and you usually get a mutually benefical deal ! :rolleyes: P.S They also don't talk to you like your a peasant or a moron! :yes:

Edited by fallowbuck
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Rumour on another site, that some one is going to open a shooting type shop on the same industrial park at Maesglas Newport :good:


I wonder how it's all going to pan out :D


Any one heard anything more?




My mates brother worked there for ages, I'll try and find out more fella.

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Any update on this? I read on another site that Andrew Litt had been escorted off the site by Police officers !Is there any truth in this or is it spite?He wasn't one of my favourites but I wouldn't malign people without good proof! Seems to get murkier! :blink: :blink:

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i heard that a new shop only selling carts is to be opened on the site. an when i was at tree tops the other day they said andrew is looking like he's gonna take the wrap for some dodgy deals, like not putting firearms through the books and failing to register guns. and they said all his houses, property and loans are secured on the business too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not want to kick someone when they are down, but I have spent a fortune at Litts over the years, their customer service was ****, but as there was no where else really to go, you just had to get your supplies from there.


I have spoken to many a person at shooting grounds who have echoed the same sentiments. They could have had their customers and more, they just got too big for their boots and I felt they always talked down to people.


This is all IMHO, as a customer who used to live in south wales. Tree tops was almost as bad, very good ground if you could get it, only they wouldn't go the extra mile to service their customers. I have many a time rang to arrange a slot, but could never be served. It had nothing to do with being too busy, it was a matter of I can't be bothered.


As they used to say years ago, its easier to keep the customers you got than to find new ones, how true.


Eitherway, I am still saddened by this even though I no longer live near by, it was always a place you could go and mill around!


Just my 2 cents worth.

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yer its shut down , my mate worked there until he lost his job . they were open until bot a week ago, but thats it now. there customer service was utter s*t (not my mate tho) unles you had £50 notes coming out of your ears or you knew them personally

there selling the shop and treetops unless some steps in and saves it now

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