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T8 or ase mod??


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I don't think there will be much between them in terms of noise reduction so, maybe you need to think how much a smaller mod is worth to you.


£350 seems like a lot of money for a mod to me. I'm not sure which model ASE your looking at but if I was buying one it would be this one http://aseutra.fi/english/product/info/AU-CQB_.html


I would also consider a PES for around £230 or an ATEC for around £250. An RFD mate had a few ATEC's in last time I was there and I was impressed with them, very quiet and they strip down completely not just the blast wall but, all the baffles aswell.




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go for the jet z i have 1 on my .223 it was only £280 think ya gettin ya pants pulled down at £350 seen both next to each other and the ase is quiter and better made only my opinion...... there was a shooting mag last month doing a test and the ase was joint 1st and the t8 was in last place.....

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ASE Utra Jet-Z Compact on my Tikka 6.5 x 55. Great sound deadening capability. Think it came out top in a recent moderator group test.


Does make the gun a bit barrel heavy, but if your foxing from a vehicle, that extra weight should bring stability.


Only paid £270 for mine, so £350 is well steep. Try weldon gun room, thats where I got mine from.





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I got one of the new CMM (Compact Modular Moddy) A-TEC and it is better than the ASE, not only is quieter, its lighter, modular and cheaper. :good: All black steel construction.


Here is the 2 baffle unit for the 223 and the other baffles it comes with. :blush: Oh yeah!



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How Much Jagerman???


And a stockist please - i seen one of these yesterday i think, was it you who showed me and darrel???


I lashed out £280 for it, but I thought im getting 2 mods here so it aint bad, bloody well made to.


Didnt show anyone yesterday, its my precious! :blush:


Local gunshop should get em.

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