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Ken Bigley

Guest ferret_meister

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on the 18:00 news they said that after 3 weeks Ken Bigley was killed.

these men that did this are true and utter BAS***DS! they are just sick :/

this is why Blair went to War, to take people like this out as this is what Saddam was doing.


my deepest sympathy goes to Ken Bigley's family in the hard time.


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Aled you forget my friend.

If blair and bush had not gone to war then none of this would of happened would it if they had left saddam alone then none of our people would be taken hostage right now. :< as one of the candidates in the australian elections said blair is an **** licker he follows bush like a dog on a lead.

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Religion and politics guys - lets keep it neutral hey?

Very difficult to do that mate in this sad world the two are indivisible and responsible for nearly all of the unnecessary bloodshed.


It is very difficult to reason with fanatics who have very little regard for their own lives let alone that of their antagonists.


Poor Ken Bigley didnt need to die.. a political and diplomatic solution could have been found yet the failure of the Americans and British to at least in some respect find a solution has cost another innocent life.


Like it or not the two Female detainees held by the Americans on terrorism related charges linked with the production of W of M D are to some extents illegal as it has been demonstrated that none were found. These two women could have been released as in my opinon the life of one British citizen is worth the lifes of a thousand of these Arab fanatics. I dont doubt for one minute a solution would have been found if Blair or Bush themselves were the hostages.


I am afraid to say that Mr. Bigley will not be the last until we take the decision to pull out of Iraq and leave them to it, after all the peace keeping efforts of various American administrations have failed in Afganistan, Palestine and now Iraq.


The cost of Oil is indeed dear and lets not be under any illusions.. the disposition of a tyrannical leader is the last reason why this war was instigated. Shouldnt America be more concerned with the thousands of people killed by firearms in the states each year before they but themselves up as saviours of the Universe.


Poor Ken Bigley and his family have been let down very badly by these countries Governments. The whole episode dreadful.



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