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recoil pads


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I have a adsorb-all pad on the back off my gun at the moment and works a treat. no more sore arm after 100 BLAMS . The problem starts when I went pigeon shooting. With skeet I have the gun mounted and ready, PULL , great . However pigeons dont come when you shout pull !!!! The pad is very sticky and dosent slide into the sholder smoothy is ther any pad anyone can recomend as I and getting the gun fitted soon



Chris :lol::/:):lol:

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There are any number of pads available to suit every purpose, all claiming various properties, if when you have your gun fitted it is necessary to change the stock length you can fit what ever pad you like.This usually costs about £80 inc. if however you do not need to alter your length and you say you are happy with your present pad, you could try wearing a coat/vest with a vinyl shoulder pad, round off the heel & toe of your absorball pad or refinish your pad by polishing with silicone carbide paper lubricated with water until you get rid of all surface imperfections.Alternative pads available include Pachmyr, Kickeez, Gooey,Sorbothane, and perhaps the most popular The good old Silvers, this pad would certainly cure your present problem as it has an insert let into the heel of the pad to assist your gunmount.Hope this helps PM me if not sure.


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I have used both the Rubbery Limbsaver type and the leather one. I find that the cheaper rubber one, in all honesty, to be a piece of junk. It doesn't stay straight so it affects your mounting. It sticks on the coat so you have to remount, and they look god awful too. However the posh leather versions, they stay in one place, are easy to mount and look much nicer.


Shell out the extra punts and get a leather one :/

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sparkylewis ,not to dispell the other posts ,but try this firts before investing plenty dolla ,get some 1"wide electrical tape and cross lay the back of your pad , eg from top left to btm right and vicy vercky this will cover the back ,now run around the stock pad covering the ends of the 2 pcs prior layed , stretch the tape to fit smoothly cover all around the pad ,now slide your gun into your shoulder



if you have ever seen a browning sporting pad they have to be the tackyest (sticky not looking ) pads out there but have a soft feel ,all my shotguns have this on ,no snagging ,no catching ,low costing .

never get a problem from this day forth.



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I had a simular problem with my lanber,the pad was also to fat and was affecting my mount but rather than getting the stock shortened i tried an experiment,i got a piece of nice notty grained plywood 5mm thick cut it to shape and sanded it really smooth,then i gave it a oil finish and fitted it to the gun.

The result was great,the stock is 1inch shorter and it looks perfect and it does not hurt my shoulder either.


I never had this problem with my miroku and side by sides as they have thin hard plastic butt plates although i think some wooden ones will look better.

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RTR you have to understand we of the two legged species have hands not claws and teeth ,dont throw it on like a lacky use a little finess ,beauty is as they say in the eye of the beholder,,,,,,ask stevie wonder :angry::P:/


no realy it will not look out of place at all,stretch it out and smooth it on ,

try it before you fry it rtr ,

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Thankyou for all of your replys, I have taken all of what you guys and girls have said, I tried the back to black great for the gun bad for the coat.!!! :/ So I have bitten the bullet and have taken it to the gun shop to have it fitted. I had try to fit the absorball my self and thought I had made a dam good job of it. However the bloke in the shop asked me to mount the gun in my normal fastion. right then he said to long by a half inch. took one look at the pad and said my god the gunsmith who fitted this needs to be shoot , :*) look at this , look at that , :*)

oh dear dear , with that pad off and a kickeze on, the butt squared of and a quarter inch of that will be fine . I stayed very quite. Still many thanks :angry::P I think the tale of this one is it great to save and try yourself but only if you know what you are doing . :/

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well. Wegu pads are great for mount but they only reduce about 15% i think they are the best. you could try painting your kickeez with clear nail varnish doen on side and back or insulation tape or a laquer for rubber. this is a big problem with recoil pads gueys,pacmar, will reduce by 30% but they anit no good for real shooting go and watch the ISU skeet boys they will show you a thing or two about recoil pads. some whiteline pads are ok but make sure the pad is not curved to the shoulder and that the top leading edge is rounded off and also the toe at the bottom. Wegu international pad but you still need the toe rounded off at the bottom. try Gordon at Tony Kennedys at Bisley shooting ground or kingstone wholesale in devon.

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