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Tom dick or abdul

jonno 357

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I agree with you Chard, I did think about putting a few little things up, but what to choose? I've got better things to do with the next two or three hundred years.


In fairness though, there is rather less evidence of greatness in recent years, rather the opposite if anything. The Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights (our one, not the other one, although no prizes for guessing where they got the idea) must rank among the greatest achievements of mankind. However, they must be running short of bogroll up in Westminster, as they seem to have spent the last few years wiping their ****s with these documents.


By the way, I think our Bill of Rights guarantees the right to bear arms. I'll have a ferret about and see if this is correct.




I think we've allowed ourselves to get watered down by this ******** apologist mentality - which brings me on to another issue I have with the XBox brigade.


If any of you Blairite apologists out there feel the need to offload some of your Colonialist guilt by snivelling to all the worlds dictators and terrorist scum, can you just make sure that you just do it in your name. Don't use words like "we" please. You don't speak for me and you never will. Our country's past may not be perfect, but I'm not in the habit of apologising for things that I didn't do, and I don't want any lefty wonderboys doing it on my behalf, thank you :good:

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oh aye up! i think gamezbond have been allowed to stay up late again :hmm:



do me a favour soft lad. :o kick yourself in the ***.

having Irish and english heritage makes me.......... thats right dumb ***, im still a brit. :o

as we live in the "British Isles" do you get it now....?


and you ask what have we got to be proud of. you really should have a good look at this country. :( open your eyes and you might see hthe greatness. like i said before, if you dont like it here SLING YOUR ***** HOOK! :hmm::good:


Plenty of Irish wont agree to being called british. Even if you insist on being british, thats still no reason to look down on others who may have immigrated from another country just like your family did.


Well I cant see no greatness from some of the racist posts here. why dont you enlighten us with the "greatness" you refer to?


I come here to share a hobby, and I dont see immigrants posting hate messages here in this forum. I only see the uneducated, uncivilised sad sc*m bags ranting on and on about immigrants, giving all others a bad name in a forum dedicated to a hobby. Most of the people in britain have no issue living and sharing a diverse society. As i said before, sooner you get used to it, happier you will be cos immigrants have been here a very long time, and including those who came from ireland and now claim to be "brit"

As far as I can see, this thread is just another rant against immigrants. Immigrants are here to stay, Sooner you realise this, happier man you will be. And if you dont like it here (living with them) then GET THE **** OUTA HERE. :no:

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I think if you're waiting for a history lesson in British achievements, you'll have a long wait. I should imagine the general consensus is, that if you need it pointing out, you're probably a lost cause and would probably benefit from not living here.


First line of this thread is "Over 200,000 Britons fleeing the UK each year as record 160,000 foreigners are granted citizenship"!!!!!


Enough of a hint for you? ... enough "lost causes" ? The number may even increase in the coming years with our rising living costs :hmm:

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I think if you're waiting for a history lesson in British achievements, you'll have a long wait. I should imagine the general consensus is, that if you need it pointing out, you're probably a lost cause and would probably benefit from not living here.


First line of this thread is "Over 200,000 Britons fleeing the UK each year as record 160,000 foreigners are granted citizenship"!!!!!


Enough of a hint for you? ... enough "lost causes" ? The number may even increase in the coming years with our rising living costs :hmm:


You're talking **** again really, aren't you?


I don't really give a toss how many people are clearing off. Their heads are no doubt full of the same tripe as yours is, so they've decided that this place is not for them.


You clearly despise this country, judging by your earlier rantings. I just wonder what it is that keeps you here. You sneer at anything resembling patriotism, you treat it as though it's a dirty word.


You make me puke

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Sorry im WELSH not BRITISH





theres always one :hmm:


Spot on although said in jest. Only the English are British as there isn't an England any more. We have a govt in NI, one in Scotland, one in wales ............

..................... and a British government. No English one. And whats worse is that half of the ruddy cabinet are Jocks. And before you skirt and badgerskin purse wearers start scaling the wall, I was born in Aberdeen so that qualifies me to have a poke. :hmm::no: :o :o

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oh aye up! i think gamezbond have been allowed to stay up late again :hmm:



do me a favour soft lad. :o kick yourself in the ***.

having Irish and english heritage makes me.......... thats right dumb ***, im still a brit. :o

as we live in the "British Isles" do you get it now....?


and you ask what have we got to be proud of. you really should have a good look at this country. :( open your eyes and you might see hthe greatness. like i said before, if you dont like it here SLING YOUR ***** HOOK! :hmm::good:


Plenty of Irish wont agree to being called british. Even if you insist on being british, thats still no reason to look down on others who may have immigrated from another country just like your family did.


Well I cant see no greatness from some of the racist posts here. why dont you enlighten us with the "greatness" you refer to?


I come here to share a hobby, and I dont see immigrants posting hate messages here in this forum. I only see the uneducated, uncivilised sad sc*m bags ranting on and on about immigrants, giving all others a bad name in a forum dedicated to a hobby. Most of the people in britain have no issue living and sharing a diverse society. As i said before, sooner you get used to it, happier you will be cos immigrants have been here a very long time, and including those who came from ireland and now claim to be "brit"

As far as I can see, this thread is just another rant against immigrants. Immigrants are here to stay, Sooner you realise this, happier man you will be. And if you dont like it here (living with them) then GET THE **** OUTA HERE. :no:



"I dont see immigrants posting hate messages here in this forum" On that point you are correct,you have to look on certain muslim forums for that, AND the posts are numerous and far more menacing than any posts that have been on here.

You are blind to whats infront of you and deaf to the truth,our country is NO longer "great britain"it is europes dumping ground and it has been allowed to become that way because of politicians that are as weak as you.

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well that made interesting reading : born in edinburgh scotland proud to be british and i`m staying



good lad Duncan, join me and Chard in the war against wallys :hmm:



by the way bond, i LOVE BEING CALLED UN-EDUCATED :( :good::lol::lol::lol: (as i sit pawing over my degrees :hmm: )

do me a favour cocker pal, get yourself an education, as its you who is in dire need. :no: :o (peace) :o

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You're talking **** again really, aren't you?


I don't really give a toss how many people are clearing off. Their heads are no doubt full of the same tripe as yours is, so they've decided that this place is not for them.


You clearly despise this country, judging by your earlier rantings. I just wonder what it is that keeps you here. You sneer at anything resembling patriotism, you treat it as though it's a dirty word.


You make me puke


"I just wonder what it is that keeps you here. "


Well judging by your rants so far about immigrants in britain, thats exactly the question you should ask yourself. if you really hate what britain is today so much then go somewhere where you will only find "like minded" people. I am sorry, but I dont think you will be able to get rid of "immigrants" from the uk cos if you check back far enough in your family tree, even you may qualify to be one. pure Hypocrisy mate, nothing else.


"You sneer at anything resembling patriotism, you treat it as though it's a dirty word"

You fail to see the difference in "Patriotism" and " Xenophobia / Racism / Racist abuse". IMO a real patriot has no reason to hate "foreigners". Loving this country is perfectly ok, but hating others who arrived afterwards, based on their colour, race, nationality is NOT.

As a patriot, you dont need to hate other people's countries or people to love your own. Just like I dont need to hate other people's children in order to love mine.

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"I dont see immigrants posting hate messages here in this forum" On that point you are correct,you have to look on certain muslim forums for that, AND the posts are numerous and far more menacing than any posts that have been on here.

You are blind to whats infront of you and deaf to the truth,our country is NO longer "great britain"it is europes dumping ground and it has been allowed to become that way because of politicians that are as weak as you.


Yes you may be correct about some muslim forums (and you are free to post there too). But this isnt a Christian/Racist forum, this is Pigeon Watch. We share a hobby here, and lets keep it that way please.

Just because there are menacing posts elsewhere still is no excuse for people to post abusive/less menacing posts here.

As far as I remember the politicians were chosen by the people. People are free to vote for the likes of BNP or any other racist sc*m, that concentrates on hating others rather than moving the economy forward and have better relations with the rest of the world.

Britain is a growingly multi cultural society, sooner people realise this, and move forward with what we have, better it is. Besides, as mentioned already people have been moving to britain from all over the world for centuries, its time to stop being hypocrite. how far back will we go to decide who really is british and who should leave?

There is really little point in thinking that not hating immigrants from other nations is weak, on the contrary, it doesnt make me a stronger/better person for hating others based on their race/colour or nationality. If someone feels that this is what makes us "great" then that is simply utter madness.



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I really think that this thread has out-lived it's useful life and should be put to sleep, painlessly.

Lock a Catholic and a Protestant in a room for 12 hours and what will come out when you open the door? A Catholic and a Protestant.

If people respected other's views and opinions, rather than trying to bully them into agreeing with theirs, this country/world would be a far better place.

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