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Well today was Jazz's first time up a real shoot, because of this i decided to go up myself for a bang with the .410 and get her used to the place,

seen some great wildlife including deer and jays :no: and some real challenging shots presented itself,

I managed to get 4 woodies 4 crows and a squizzler but could only get half of them.The only thing is Jazz is a bit wary of the guns although she is not gunshy, more gun nervous :o still she is young.

heres a few piccies anyway.


Looking sorry for herself



The final bag



On my return to the farm i went up to where i knew a old foxes den was so with the wind in my face i sat for a good half hour when this little fellow popped her head out and walked 10 yards towards me.She met the bad end of two .410 carts at about 15 yards and was stone dead when i got to her.

one down 3 to go :o


The handsome me :hmm:



Bit graphic



a great day was had, except for the cub acourse :hmm:


anyways Cheers for reading



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Nicely done, a couple of mistakes though, a "fellow" can't be a "her", but the main one was picking the cub up when you had shot it, had you stayed in cover and left it where it lay, the others cubs would have come out, it's an easy way to wipe out a litter. The bad news being that the vixen will probably have moved the cubs to another hole after you left and on her return.


Re the dog; Try taking her to a clay pigeon shoot to get her used to gunshots, start at a distance and gradually work closer, don't rush it, there is plenty of time before next season!

Edited by bob300w
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Nicely done, a couple of mistakes though, a "fellow" can't be a "her", but the main one was picking the cub up when you had shot it, had you stayed in cover and left it where it lay, the others cubs would have come out, it's an easy way to wipe out a litter. The bad news being that the vixen will probably have moved the cubs to another hole after you left and on her return.


Re the dog; Try taking her to a clay pigeon shoot to get her used to gunshots, start at a distance and gradually work closer, don't rush it, there is plenty of time before next season!


i see.. there has been 2 cubs shot already and the dog has been killed, so their is not much left in the den except the mother and a cub now,


Ill do that with the clay pigeons tho,


And thanks hunter, that is my work outfit (the bad one ) :hmm:



Edited by lewismac1
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Thanks suzy and good to see you back again :hmm:

and its nothing compared to people on pw :hmm:

forgot to ask but what age does the average person have his first shoot with the newly trained dog?

or is it up to how the dog is coming on?



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Good photos, you look well dressed. Its nice to see someone in real clothes at your age, makes a difference from little scrotes in trakie bottoms and trainers. :good:


Keep up the good shooting. :)


"At his age", mate he's the same age as you give or take a year. :)


That is one damn cute/good looking dog. I hope she works out well for you. A good bag too, wish i bough that home rather than a clay score card, well ok, maybe just the pigeons. And if your after dog advice i'm sure NTTF's has made a thread on introducing dogs to gunfire. I'm sure someone might have a direct link?

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Good photos, you look well dressed. Its nice to see someone in real clothes at your age, makes a difference from little scrotes in trakie bottoms and trainers. :good:


Keep up the good shooting. :lol:


"At his age", mate he's the same age as you give or take a year. :lol:


That is one damn cute/good looking dog. I hope she works out well for you. A good bag too, wish i bough that home rather than a clay score card, well ok, maybe just the pigeons. And if your after dog advice i'm sure NTTF's has made a thread on introducing dogs to gunfire. I'm sure someone might have a direct link?



Dont worry they have been studied by my bretherin :) and they are working :)



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forgot to ask but what age does the average person have his first shoot with the newly trained dog?

or is it up to how the dog is coming on?



Firstly, great write up.


As regards your dog, "normally" a dog should be ready between 18 months and 2 years but a well advanced dog may be ready by a year for a rough shoot (depends how formally you want your dog to behave). Main thing is the amount of exercise a dog is subjected to on a shoot day, larger breeds like yours need to be about 2 before all their growth plates are fully developed and too much exercise in advance of that risks problems later on.


Hope this helps, keep up the good shooting.



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Great shooting Lewis, again nice to see someone dressed as they should be.

Theres always an air of intimidation whenever you see a guy dressed in

a track suit and a Burberry cap holding a rifle.

Maybe I just spend to much time walking around Edinburgh's parks!

Good job.

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