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Luke McCormick


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Have just sat and watched a press conference with the police and mother of two young boys killed in a tragic road crash. The mother, understandably, was overcome with grief and didn't speak. How she even managed to attend is beyond me. Her husband is critically ill in hospital. Absolutely heartbreaking.


Plymouth Argyle footballer Luke McCormick has been charged with 2 counts of death by dangerous driving, drink driving and having no insurance. UNBELIEVABLE!! This is a man who recently recorded a road safety film to warn of the dangers of driving while on the phone, and who earns thousands of pounds a week. There can be no reason or excuse for what he did to this young family.


I am sure, if found guilty, he will be sent down for a long time, thereby ruining his and his family's life into the bargain. I will have no sympathy for him.


What a total waste of life. My thoughts are with the family of the two little lads whose lives were cut so tragically short.

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what an absolute scrote, with all those earnings and no insurance driving whilst under the influence and driving like a dog on speed wants to be hung in my humble opinion though in reality what will he get ................community service fines and costs of £20,000 and a 2 year ban its never right that family will never recover from a tragedy like that

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He was over the drink drive limit from the night before and fell asleep at the wheel of his range rover which crashed through the central reservation and hit the car head on.Doesnt look good for the survival of the father.


Total sh1tbag who deserves everything he gets


My sympathy goes out to the family

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Lock him up, donate 95% of his total wealth to the family who have had there children so trajically taken away from them.


Massivly unfortunate event, he needs teaching a lesson, loosing everything is the only thing that will hurt him.....

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