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A new PB


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Yesterday was my last day of my half term. So as I lay in bed at 8.30am I decided to spend my last day of freedom on the trent. I dug up some worms and collected some slugs, and after some nagging, I was dropped off at about 10.30. I had not a sausage till 12.30 and that was only a tiny perch. I at about two i decided to put on a cage feeder, filled it full of some crumbs, put a nice lobworm on the hook and cast it to the opposite bank, (which is nicely under cut) in hope of a Chub. The rod was on the rest only a matter of minuets before the tip hammerd round. I struck and though I had snagged up, until the snag took line. And it didn't half take line too! I had been playing the fish for a few minuets when a chap on the next peg asked, "Is it a barble?" I replyed that I hadn't seen it yet. He came over to me, to help with the landing. However I was about five minuets in, and it hadn't seen light yet! I got the feeder out of the water, and the bloody thing took off again! Stripping another 40yds off my reel. This happened twice more, and then finaly we saw it....


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Red That is one of the best barbel I have ever seen and beats my personal best from the Bristol Avon by 6 oz... Very well done mate that is the fish of a lifetime.


I have caught plenty of Big barbel and salmon and considering fish of equivilent weight I would say that the barbel just shades it for fighting prowess.


A cracking fish whatever.


Well done.



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Beats his best barbel by 6 oz? It beats mine by 6 lbs and then some! Well done you, a zonking fish.


Which bit of the Trent were you on? I know most of it from Whychnor / Alrewas and up through Burton, but I don't recognise that stretch.



It was a section owned and controled by rugeley power station.


BD, you can come and have a crack in the hols if you want :thumbs:


Off he goes :)


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Actually Ern,


red, you hearing strange voices, or something ?

Ern hasn't posted on this thread. :D:D

You didn't take a sip out of that wino's bottle, did you ? :) :(

Guess what's in the top left hand pocket, hic! :thumbs:


It's probably younger than you too Cranners :lol:


Sure thing BD, I'll give you a ring some time.

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