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I'm searching, but I still can't find it


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I object to the use of the phoney, I'm an out and out fraud.


Please direct me to the post where I said 'I don't get it' it must surely have come after one of your posts :blush:

Admittedly, that response comes after many of my posts, I have even been known to put it myself after one of my own posts, however, now that you have been un-frocked, so to speak, any chance of having a look at my back? I get these twinges........

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Ha ha, reminds of the time Balaclave asked me if I was a real doctor and what did I suggest he do about his dodgy nuts. :blush:


Now if you were a nice young lady I would happily give you a back rub (purely for medicinal reasons of course) but unfortunately I've just injured both hands in a nasty typing accident so wont be able to help I'm sorry.

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Ha ha, reminds of the time Balaclave asked me if I was a real doctor and what did I suggest he do about his dodgy nuts. :stupid:


Now if you were a nice young lady I would happily give you a back rub (purely for medicinal reasons of course) but unfortunately I've just injured both hands in a nasty typing accident so wont be able to help I'm sorry.

That all we need a Heavy Handed Doctor that sits in his surgery Bashing things! :blush:

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Ha ha, reminds of the time Balaclave asked me if I was a real doctor and what did I suggest he do about his dodgy nuts. :blush:


Now if you were a nice young lady I would happily give you a back rub (purely for medicinal reasons of course) but unfortunately I've just injured both hands in a nasty typing accident so wont be able to help I'm sorry.


This has got me thinking. Is my scrotum fully compliant with the lastest Health & Satefy legislation? What if someone injures themselves and then sues me? Will I have to compensate them?


To protect myself I am making up a warning sticker, which will be displayed prominently on my scrotum sack at all times. It will read: WARNING! MAY CONTAIN NUTS.


That ought to do the trick.



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Ha ha, reminds of the time Balaclave asked me if I was a real doctor and what did I suggest he do about his dodgy nuts. :lol:


Now if you were a nice young lady I would happily give you a back rub (purely for medicinal reasons of course) but unfortunately I've just injured both hands in a nasty typing accident so wont be able to help I'm sorry.


This has got me thinking. Is my scrotum fully compliant with the lastest Health & Satefy legislation? What if someone injures themselves and then sues me? Will I have to compensate them?


To protect myself I am making up a warning sticker, which will be displayed prominently on my scrotum sack at all times. It will read: WARNING! MAY CONTAIN NUTS.


That ought to do the trick.




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Ha ha, reminds of the time Balaclave asked me if I was a real doctor and what did I suggest he do about his dodgy nuts. :lol:


Now if you were a nice young lady I would happily give you a back rub (purely for medicinal reasons of course) but unfortunately I've just injured both hands in a nasty typing accident so wont be able to help I'm sorry.


This has got me thinking. Is my scrotum fully compliant with the lastest Health & Satefy legislation? What if someone injures themselves and then sues me? Will I have to compensate them?


To protect myself I am making up a warning sticker, which will be displayed prominently on my scrotum sack at all times. It will read: WARNING! MAY CONTAIN NUTS.


That ought to do the trick.





:o :o :lol:

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Ha ha, reminds of the time Balaclave asked me if I was a real doctor and what did I suggest he do about his dodgy nuts. :lol:


Now if you were a nice young lady I would happily give you a back rub (purely for medicinal reasons of course) but unfortunately I've just injured both hands in a nasty typing accident so wont be able to help I'm sorry.

Now there's a blast from the past, I guess that he found a village somewhere that was one idiot below the statutory EEC level.

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Perhaps the mods could set me up a forum called Dr W's Surgery where I could dispense valuable information to the PW masses based on common sense and folk lore.


For the record and in case anyone else decides to ask me a medical question about their nuts, I'm not a doctor.

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Ha ha, reminds of the time Balaclave asked me if I was a real doctor and what did I suggest he do about his dodgy nuts. :lol:


Now if you were a nice young lady I would happily give you a back rub (purely for medicinal reasons of course) but unfortunately I've just injured both hands in a nasty typing accident so wont be able to help I'm sorry.

Now there's a blast from the past, I guess that he found a village somewhere that was one idiot below the statutory EEC level.


ROFLMFAO :lol::lol:

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Perhaps the mods could set me up a forum called Dr W's Surgery where I could dispense valuable information to the PW masses based on common sense and folk lore.


For the record and in case anyone else decides to ask me a medical question about their nuts, I'm not a doctor.

No need for that sort of language on a family forum.

So when can you have a look at my back then?

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