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road congestion


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Motorway congestion,

The answer is simple. as an ex hgv driver I have the answer to ease traffic on the motorways.

On 2 lane motorways m11 for instance,

Hgv’s should be restricted to one lane as in parts of Europe.

They are or should be restricted to 56 mph give or take 1 mph and this is the major problem. It can take up to a mile or above for one hgv to overtake another causing huge backlogs of traffic.

On 3 lane motorways at peak periods the same should apply 1 lane for hgv’s

On 4 lane motorways, m62 windy hill et’c

Hgv’s restricted to the 2 inside lanes only.


This would then allow faster traffic to keep moving, FACT.


Vehicle tax should be taken from fuel.

We are talking about pence here.

The government will benefit in this way ALL overseas lorries using our roads will contribute every time they fill up.

No more vehicles running untaxed and no need to chase them they will have paid at the pump.

This will benefit hauliers also. For example a vehicle stood in the yard with no work,

Will not be paying taxes. Why should he.

Foreign vehicles coming in with full tanks of cheaper fuel. Should pay duty on the amount of fuel they bring in.

The people at Swansea who gather road taxes would then have a new job,

Dipping tanks at the docks.

Now I am sure nobody at the mot will take a blind bit of notice of my scheme.

But I think it would save us all a lot of money long term.

As I said the answers are simple.

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I agree 100% with you I have four vehicles and have to pay for four lots of tax about £800 a year and only cover around 4 thousand miles a year between them where as the Mondeo rep crew and the likes pay £200 a year and cover 20-30 thousand miles a year should be taxed on the fuel the more you use the more you pay. :rolleyes:

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Motorway congestion,

The answer is simple. as an ex hgv driver I have the answer to ease traffic on the motorways.

On 2 lane motorways m11 for instance,

Hgv’s should be restricted to one lane as in parts of Europe.

They are or should be restricted to 56 mph give or take 1 mph and this is the major problem. It can take up to a mile or above for one hgv to overtake another causing huge backlogs of traffic.

On 3 lane motorways at peak periods the same should apply 1 lane for hgv’s

On 4 lane motorways, m62 windy hill et’c

Hgv’s restricted to the 2 inside lanes only.


Yes, yes, yes, yes yes and yes. And yes again. The problem that you very correctly identify is almost the sole cause of congestion on our stretch of the A1.


As has been said, no chance of being adopted, but nice to see I'm not the only one who thinks this (it's one of my favourite in-car rants).


Good show P-P.



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They have always said this system of collecting road tax would make the poorer people pay more - but I have always thought that was a weak argument against it. As Axe says - its far too easy and common sense for politiicians to accept. The other factor of course is that our dear Mr Darling can't then come in and hit us with back tax like he is trying to do just now. I say yes - go for the tax levy at the pump - if you want or need to do a lot of miles - then you should be paying more than those who don't. Instead, we are getting taxed for being on the road AND the amount of emissions we produce - is that not a double tax then?


Pushkin :rolleyes:

Edited by Pushkin
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the only thing that will ease congestion is if people start to car share.

we walk our lad to school most mornings, only about 1 1/2 miles, on the way we pass the traffic heading down to the liverpool tunnel. we get to the queue at the back third and usually walk past about 40 or so cars, nine out of 10 cars have just one person in them and most of them are heading to the tunnel, do the sums (im to lazy to do a rough guess !!)



on the subject of vehicle tax put onto the price of fuel, i think to be honest it should just be scrapped, or a small ammount charged as an administration fee for your tax disc

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Motorway congestion,

The answer is simple. as an ex hgv driver I have the answer to ease traffic on the motorways.

On 2 lane motorways m11 for instance,

Hgv’s should be restricted to one lane as in parts of Europe.

They are or should be restricted to 56 mph give or take 1 mph and this is the major problem. It can take up to a mile or above for one hgv to overtake another causing huge backlogs of traffic.

On 3 lane motorways at peak periods the same should apply 1 lane for hgv’s

On 4 lane motorways, m62 windy hill et’c

Hgv’s restricted to the 2 inside lanes only.


This would then allow faster traffic to keep moving, FACT.


Vehicle tax should be taken from fuel.

We are talking about pence here.

The government will benefit in this way ALL overseas lorries using our roads will contribute every time they fill up.

No more vehicles running untaxed and no need to chase them they will have paid at the pump.

This will benefit hauliers also. For example a vehicle stood in the yard with no work,

Will not be paying taxes. Why should he.

Foreign vehicles coming in with full tanks of cheaper fuel. Should pay duty on the amount of fuel they bring in.

The people at Swansea who gather road taxes would then have a new job,

Dipping tanks at the docks.

Now I am sure nobody at the mot will take a blind bit of notice of my scheme.

But I think it would save us all a lot of money long term.

As I said the answers are simple.


Rd tax on fuel here’s how it works.

An hgv doing 380 miles per day at 6 miles to the gallon 63.33 gallons per day

Over 312 day a year that’s 6 days a week that’s 19,759 gallons or 89,824.414 litres in a year

If .£0.06 pence was added to a litre of fuel it would raise £5389.464 per year

That’s the road tax taken care of. For one articulated vehicle. Saving a fortune in paperwork etc

If that vehicle wasn’t running for 2 weeks say it would not be paying road tax.

Good for the hauliers

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There is no way any government will do this as they have to provide jobs and this then creates other opportunities else where, ie higher up the civil service etc to administrate and as all these things generate income and add to GDP it looks good on the balance sheet.

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I agree that it would make more sense... However... the price of food would go up if this policy came into play. In addition it's a vote loser because road tax is a one off annual event, out of sight- out of mind. Yet filling up the tank happens many times a year and each time you will be reminded how expensive it is.

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I agree that it would make more sense... However... the price of food would go up if this policy came into play. In addition it's a vote loser because road tax is a one off annual event, out of sight- out of mind. Yet filling up the tank happens many times a year and each time you will be reminded how expensive it is.

just the opposite putting £0.06 per litre to pay for the road tax. would in effect make road transport cheaper and bring the cost of food down.

one of the problems with the present road tax system you pay for a year in advance. if you run your vehicles every day no problem.

but if you have a 40 tonner off the road for a few weeks a year you loose the earnings for that vehicle while still having paid road tax on it.

however if your road tax is taken at the pump,

when vehicles are stood they do not get levied with tax.

I have been in the haulage industry for some years in the past, and as such have a good insight to the problem.

also people like myself who nowadays dont do many miles, will not be subsidising the heavy road users.

the system would collar all the road tax dodgers, and gather revenue from the foreign vehicles using our roads.

thus foodstuffs could be transported more economically. Fact.

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Just thinking aloud on this issue. It wouldn't stop the current road tax dodgers because these characters would just go on to syphoning off folk's petrol/diesel and thus avoiding paying their road duty still. The other difficulty I foresee is that companies with large fleets have to pay for all their vehicles road tax -in advance - whether or not they ever turn a wheel for the year = lost revenue if the tax is paid a the pump. It could help to create jobs though - all garage owners would have to be super regulated for volume of fuel purchased by them against volume sold to the punters by them - any freebies they or their employees have would disappear as well. They would also have to be regulated by uber civil servants who are dilligent at tying everyone up in red tape beaurocracy <_< :blink: :lol:


Keep it going lads - I think we are on to a winner with PP's idea.


Pushkin :good:

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