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Were women meant to drive


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The oparking picture is funny and I enjoyed it......but (and I don't want to sound like nagging old DF or the like here but) Not being able to park very well is far less dangerous than some d*** head bloke in a motor wiping up other innocent road users so they can show how fast they can't drive.....we blokes might think we are 'better' drivers becasue we can parrallel park a bit better than the average lady....but so what....it is us blokes that kill most on the roads by a ratio of 11:1 I believe

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Back at ya bob



:yp: :lol:


While photography never lies i can only imagine each one of those male (and might i add superior) drivers must have dozed off having just been cooked a scrumptious meal by a woman of some shape and/or size. Had oral gratification swiftly followed i'm sure said dozeyness would not have been apparent.

Edited by Markio
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Sorry did someone just talk .

or was that hot air being released again. :lol:


Come on bob get ready with the score

:yp: :lol: :wub:xxxxsuzy


Nope that really was just a ****, i can only imagine the confusion. I shall ring ahead then next time. Parp....

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I'm the last one to try to inject any seriousness into a thread, but has anyone else noticed how much worse women's driving is getting?


Before the ladies swoop, let me clarify; by worse I mean more aggressive, inconsiderate, foolish, and generally "male". Over the last couple of years I have seen several incidents of dangerous and agressive driving and have naturally expected some baseball-capped scrote, attempting to compensate for shortage in barrel department, to be the culprit. Instead, sight of the driver reveals her to be a woman. Purely anecdotal of course, but I don't recall seeing much of this kind of thing even a few years ago.



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Sorry did someone just talk .

or was that hot air being released again. :lol:


Come on bob get ready with the score

:yp: :lol: :wub:xxxxsuzy


Nope that really was just a ****, i can only imagine the confusion. I shall ring ahead then next time. Parp....



Dear markio babes,

your ok you can keep it your end. Living in the house full of men i have more then enough

floating round here .


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Maiden22 what do you expect when all you hear is men taunting women, about there driving ability. Young girls who grow up hearing all this believe (aswel as young guys) driving fast, living in the fast lane is the best way to be. At the end of the day I have seen more accidents caused by men than women. Yes some women can't park straight, reverse or aviod the walls that jump out at them (Mrs Sweepy) but so do some men. I am often stuck behind a silly man going 40mph in a 60mph. Its up to the individual I believe.


You wanted a half serious opinion.

Edited by Huntinlass
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Typical male counting. After 5 comes 6, then 7, 8, 9, 10.


Not 5 then 10! :yp:

Typical woman, not listening then screaming. I'll say this s l o w l y f o r y o u; T e a m M a r k i o j u s t s c o r e d 5 p o i n t s . 5 + 5 = 1 0

Edited by bob300w
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