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Well of all the things that could have gone wrong..........


Me and my brother share a little shoot and put a pen of pheasants down at about of this time of year to provide a few 'mini' driven days later in the season for us and our friends. I work away on a three weeks home, three weeks away rotation, during the time I am not here my brother looks aftre the pheasants and I take over when I am back. An arrangement that works well, until now that is.


I just found out he got a six month driving ban yesterday!!!! It was nothing too 'serious', he got caught twice on the same road on the same day doing high thirties in a thirty zone. He thought he was in line for a fine, turned up in court for a wrist slapping and was shocked to recieve the ban, evidently he had afew points already and the six from the day took him over the limit. The silly beggar did not even remember he still had previous points and turned up at court without any legal representation.


So basically he will be unable to get to the farm to look after the birds etc.

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The law may have changed since, but if I recall correctly, you can not be convicted of the same offence in the same day. So In other words, he should not be convicted for two offences, just the one.


I suggest you seek legal help and appeal the decision.

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I spoke to my brother yesterday and he had just consulted a solicitor. He has got a very slim chance going with an appeal and basically he has had his session infront of the magistrate and screwed it up. If he had legal representation at the time the outcome might have been better, there were personal circumstances which if he mentioned might have influenced the sentencing. But now its a case of closing the stable door after the horse has bolted. He came out of the court a bit shocked and talked to the clerk as he handed over the paperwork, she was not in on the case so read through the documents and said the magistrate had not shown any leniency, basically thrown the book at him. He thinks it may be because he is a member of the emergency services and to quote the magistrate 'should know better'. Anyway he his selling his car now and ,yes, dusting off his mountain bike. He was to go on a motor bike holiday next month touring northern europe and now that is also down the pan.


The only good news is that he has decided that he should be able to look after the pheasants and we are going ahead with our original release plans. It means either a 12 mile round trip on his bike or his girlfriend getting up a stupid o'clock and taking him to the wood for an hour before she goes to work herself. I think he his going to be doing of of cycling! We are quite lucky in that although we both live in the city our shoot is only a few miles into the sticks.

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I spoke to my brother yesterday and he had just consulted a solicitor. He has got a very slim chance going with an appeal and basically he has had his session infront of the magistrate and screwed it up.



My sympathies go out to you the victim of what has happened

but I have little sympathy for your brother. We all speed at some

time or other, I know I do but if you have points on your licence

then that is the warning to be more careful.

If you speed twice in one day you can be fined for both occasions.






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My sympathies go out to you the victim of what has happened

but I have little sympathy for your brother. We all speed at some

time or other, I know I do but if you have points on your licence

then that is the warning to be more careful.

If you speed twice in one day you can be fined for both occasions.







Sorry but I'm with Taz24. TWICE in one day on the same road?:lol:? :good: :good: :hmm:



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