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Don't feckin' think so...


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Shootings next maties its just a matter of time. the countrys full of winkers and do gooders shirtlifters and foreigners and big ears is right ( prince charles ) every bodys gone a be a pop star. And you dont need to learn to sing or spend five or ten years on the stage pubs and clubs first learning the trade cause every ****** is listening to the radio 1, etc and watching top of the pops. Some one said the other day they are taking top of the pops off TV. Well **** me 1994 would have been better. I recon Canada, USA, Australia or Newzealand are starting to look better and better every day. i even looked up the number to apply for a green card. Now the ****** council are winein about my local clay club thats been there 20 years for noise pullotion, well **** me they aint shut down radio 1 either.


Still not to worry if they ban shooting you will be able to take up religon and pop down your local mosque on a sunday instead. And well we are about it **** Europe and all and getting mixed up with their **** to.

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Some of those remarks you folks came up with to the stepo person where funny as! Not that any of you would care about my point of veiw, but i'll tell you it anyway. I wouldn't really like fox hunting to be banned. Although i think its cruel making a fox run for its life then when its tired gets ripped to shreads, its part of our history. Besdies, I wouldn't like it if the goverment tried to ban shooting. Wasn't there a poll thing and 56% said keep fox hunting? Why don't the goverment listen?

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Ears, you are quite right shooting is indeed next.


Quotes taken from the Select Committee on Environment, Food and Rural Affairs report. These are the people who are advising the Government on new legislation :lol:


We recommend that, prior to drawing up a draft code of practice on the rearing of game birds for sport shooting purposes, Defra should ensure that it has consulted with a broad range of groups and individuals with an interest in this area, including those groups which are critical of current game bird rearing practices. The Government should ensure that it has solid data on the numbers of game farms in England and Wales and the scale of these farms.


On the basis of the evidence we have received, we do not support the existing Game Farmers' Association code of practice being adopted as a statutory code of practice under clause 7 without further consideration first being given to the appropriateness of certain rearing practices, including beak trimming and burning and the fitting of bits, masks and spectacles.


We are also concerned that, of the game birds being reared, only 40% end up being shot. Limiting the numbers of game birds that are able to be reared could perhaps be one way of lessening aggression amongst birds as they are being reared. However, we have heard insufficient evidence to draw any firm conclusion on this issue.


Q :lol:

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its about time you toffy nosed as**es got brought into the real world, howd you like it if i came after your trouble causeing kids with hounds ?

Hunting trouble making kids with dogs is a damn fine idea. Wish I had thought of that first!!But if you clowns keep going the way you are going animals will have more rights than humans any way.



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Blair is applying the oldest military strategy in the world, DIVIDE AND CONQUER. We can't afford to be at each others throats at a time like this, not when we could be at the politicians throats, you can tell when a politician is lying, HIS LIPS MOVE!

We're all voters, well, most of us anyway, our day at the polls is yet to come and that's the time to rally to the call = ******** TO BLAIR!



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It's refreshing to see so much support for the efforts our wonderful government have made on our behalf to make the world a better place to live in. It seems that whoever I speak to there is nothing but praise for Mr. B. Liar.


Hang on a minute, there's a ***** just breaking in to my house so I'd better go and open the door and let him in so he don't injure himself and sue my ar*e off. No doubt wants to nick my dogs so he can go and do a bit of night time coursing.


Oh dear, just looking out of my office window and some poor little darlings are struggling to get my car open so they can go joy riding. I must tell them that the job would be far easier if they were to put down those syringes and beer cans. Still at least they can't legally own the pistols they are carrying so I must be imagining that bit. At least the tough new laws round here mean that a youngster can't go out and buy an aerosol paint can under the age of 16, bound to have a great effect on the amount of graffiti around.


Was thinking of going for a drive around this morning to see if the pigeons have got on the rape yet but the more I think of it the more I realise what an antisocial beast I'm becoming, shooting, ferreting, fishing, whatever next !!!. Surely I should be out there binge drinking, beating up old ladies and breaking into houses, a far lesser evil than following these vicious country sports !!!.




I think the government have picked the wrong group to tangle with this time, Mr. B. Liar esq. knows that only too well and has dithered and ****** about naming the day the ban will come into effect. I guess that we will see every hunt in the country out that very morning and good luck to them. When the hand gun ban came in the owners just seemed to roll over and play dead, the hunting fraternity have been up against "anti's" in one form or another for years and won't roll anywhere near as easily.

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