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bullet boy

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On my last gun i had a S&B 2,5-10 x56, liked it. Now i have a Swarovski on my new gun so i quess i changed sexes? :blush: (according to other posters above)

I like the Swarovksi better because it has such a clear view during the day, also a much wider view. And in dusk and evenings it does very well also. Because it is a 2-12 x 50 with a illuminated recticle (which you can alter in brightness) i use it for driven hunts at wild boar as well. No aim point neccesarry any more.

So for me Swarovksi is best, but Zeiss, Kahles, Schmidt und Bender and lets not forget Meopta are good scopes as well. (the last one gives good value for money !)

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I have heard, but can't confirm, that some Swaros lose zero "for fun" was the quote (from a guy who builds rifles). Like I say I can't confirm that but because of it I wouldn't buy one...

That sounds like the biggest load of bozwolox I have heard for along time John, thanks for that :blush:

I have (not intentionaly) dropped both of mine, one onto solid concrete from my shoulder :innocent: and the zero didn't move one jot.


Edited to add... Going on their respective rangefinders, Swaro has better glass than Leica. Still, it will be interesting to see their take on scopes :unsure:


I have the same rangefinder as you, and the lenses in them aren't actually doing much, I am sure they could have stuck a better ones in there, but that would have made them even more expensive.


As far as bino's go Leica have the edge, but as always, it is personal preference.


Anyway we are marking time until we can afford the absolute kings of the hill, the Webley or MTC :unsure:

Which reminds me, I had better check the levels in my fire extinguishers . .

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I have had them all from Cheap end scopes to very expensive Swaro's and S&B's - the only way you can tell the real differance from the low end to high end scopes is at dawn and dusk.


:devil::blush: That's why looking through them in or outside the shop won't tell a person SFA, best to get out with someone lamping and look then.


That sounds like the biggest load of bozwolox I have heard for along time John, thanks for that :innocent:

I have (not intentionaly) dropped both of mine, one onto solid concrete from my shoulder :unsure: and the zero didn't move one jot.


I aim to please Stuart :blink: Mind you, in my defence - well not really - it's someone elses bozwolox not mine :good: I just regurgitated it here for the benefit of all mankind :blink:


Edited to add... Going on their respective rangefinders, Swaro has better glass than Leica. Still, it will be interesting to see their take on scopes :blush:


I have the same rangefinder as you, and the lenses in them aren't actually doing much, I am sure they could have stuck a better ones in there, but that would have made them even more expensive.


As far as bino's go Leica have the edge, but as always, it is personal preference.


Anyway we are marking time until we can afford the absolute kings of the hill, the Webley or MTC :blink:

Which reminds me, I had better check the levels in my fire extinguishers . .


I'm there already with my MTC Viper :cry1: To be truthfull about it, the only reason I keep it is because of the reticle. My rabbit shooting has dwindled to nought - not sure why - and any bird sniping is done in daylight so I'm not pushed about great glass on the .22lr :unsure: I've not looked through Swaro or Leica bins and thank God I never intend to :cry1:

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.............. and lets not forget Meopta are good scopes as well. (the last one gives good value for money !)


True, my friend true, except they give excellent value for money.


Tasco Titan & Deben Titanium(pretty much the same glass) are well undervalued too.

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Anyway we are marking time until we can afford the absolute kings of the hill, the Webley or MTC :innocent:

Which reminds me, I had better check the levels in my fire extinguishers . .



I have risen to the bait .Here you go :blush:


Webley Platinum 4 x 12 x 50 @£148 .According to my perfect eyesight this babie is more than a match for my vari x III and schmidt /bender in poor light conditions



So for all you mr magoo's out there ....save your money and get one of these :blush:



:unsure: :unsure: :devil:

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With lenses my eyesight is 20/20 Ive.

People with bad eyes need good glass even more than those without :devil:




As I slurred on Saturday, I will give you 300 notes for the 2 Schmidts and you get another 2 Webley's :innocent:

And I thought you did'nt rate schmidts :unsure:



And could you tell the difference between 30mm/25mm tube ?....Myself and Mung were getting on famously comparing our 8's until he told me what he paid for it :unsure: ........For some reason Hungarian smidts are turning out to be a investment at the moment :blush:


It takes perfect eyesight to appreciate the potential of quality glass though :blush:

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I don't need any more scopes it was an investment opertunity :unsure:


I don't dislike them at all, in fact I still reckon the 8x56 is the best value quality light gatherer . .

The way my house extension is going buddy I might have to sell off a few items to finance some unseen alterations .......Found out today that the largest opening we can get into the new bedroom is only 600mm (2') :blush::innocent: :unsure:

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One day my children, your eyes will be opened, and you will all see past the glitter and chrome, you will raise your eyes to the heavens, and all rush out and buy German made Zeiss scopes.

Until then, keep squinting through the mists and suffering your parallax problems, losing 20 minutes shooting time at dawn and dusk, continual losing of zero when changing magnification etc. You will see the light, have faith. (A tubby wallet helps, admittedly).



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  • 2 weeks later...
Schmidts are better the Zeiss bob

I am curious to know how you came to this conclusion, and exactly what comparative tests that you did, as from your list of guns and scopes you don't own a Zeiss.

"I have got one therefore they must be the best" does not count for much in poor light conditions.


Six months ago, I was out foxing with a friend who had a couple of S&B's, he was adamant that they were the best, however, after looking through my Zeiss after dark, and seeing me shoot a fox by moonlight without the lamp on, he sold both of his S&B's and bought two Zeiss scopes.

S & B are reasonable scopes, but not in the same class as Zeiss in poor light conditions.

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Baldrick,i looked through a Zeiss in Sportsmans and thought they were a good optic.For lamping foxes i was advised to go for a Schmidt over Zeiss for night time shooting-i think the pros know what they are talking about,B!Have you looked through a Zenith or a PMII?

Edited by bullet boy
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Baldrick,i looked through a Zeiss in Sportsmans and thought they were a good optic.For lamping foxes i was advised to go for a Schmidt over Zeiss for night time shooting-i think the pros know what they are talking about,B!Have you looked through a Zenith or a PMII?

If that is addressed to me, yes, I have looked at pretty well every scope vailable, and if there was anything better than a Zeiss, I would have bought it. I have no loyalty to any brand, I try them all and buy what does the job best.

If you have not compared the two scopes yourself, side by side, in poor light conditions, I can't see what your statement is based on, "i think the pros know what they are talking about" is not very sound logic for an argument.

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Bulletboy, I am glad that you set so much store by the professional advice of Gary's team at Sportsman. I have actually owned a PMII, a Zenith, a Diavari and an S&B 8x56, all concurrently, all used in a variety of lamping scenarios. Whilst I am not a 'pro' foxing specialist, I have been lucky enough to own what are probably the four of the five best low-light scopes ever made (Swaro being the fifth), at the same time, and draw my own conclusions. My (subjective) conclusion is the same as Bob's: Zeiss.


This argument will run on and on - ultimately it's each to his own, but sales patter needs to be taken objectively.

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Getchaself an S&B.


Zeiss are for homos, everyone knows that.

A typically mature argument, even well below the level expected from dustfox. Perhaps you would like to enlighten us all on the tests that you did to establish that S&B are the best scope in poor light?

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I had LV buy me the most expensive Zeis scope he could lay his hands on went he last went to Florida (Jan this year) and visited the Bass pro shop and when it was $2 to £1.


I got it out of the box and decided it was not a patch on my S&B 8x56 - leaving aside ability in low light, the eye relief was truly awful.


In the meantime I now have S&B's on everything and wouldn't consider anything else.


As above, scopes are personal. We have all had some trial and error and consider that the scopes we individually end up with are the best. You and Balders have incorrectly chosen Zeiss whereas I have correctly chosen S&B. :lol:

Edited by Mungler
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I had LV buy me the most expensive Zeis scope he could lay his hands on went he last went to Florida (Jan this year) and visited the Bass pro shop and when it was $2 to £1.


I got it out of the box and decided it was not a patch on my S&B 8x56 - leaving aside ability in low light, the eye relief was truly awful.


In the meantime I now have S&B's on everything and wouldn't consider anything else.


As above, scopes are personal. We have all had some trial and error and consider that the scopes we individually end up with are the best. You and Balders have incorrectly chosen Zeiss whereas I have correctly chosen S&B. :lol:

The Zeiss that you had was probably not made in Jena, as are mine, Zeiss scopes for the USA market are made in Hungary. Eye relief has never been problem for myself or anyone else that has used my guns, yourself included.


"leaving aside ability in low light, " Isn't that the whole point of having a good scope? That's when superior light transmission comes into it's own. It also translates as clearer vision in daylight.


I do not agree with your latter paragraph, scopes are not personal, if I found a better scope, I would buy it and get rid of the Zeiss scopes, to date I have not found one. And yes I have tried the majority.

Maybe you can explain why USA snipers use Leupold and Zeiss scopes and not S&B ?

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`i think the pros know what they are talking about `relates to me asking the staff at Sportsmans in which quality optic they thought was best for low light,night time shooting.As i said i firstly looked through a Zeiss and thought they were good.Sportsmans advised me that a Schmidt was what i needed!If Schmidts were not as good as a Zeiss then do you think the british armed forces would have them?

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