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The Fox And The Child - In cinemas tomorow


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I dont think a kids film is going to make one bit of difference to the shooting community. There are so many films produced nowadays it will probably disappear like all the rest and end up in the dustbin of history like the plastic toys it will possibly tout in the shops for 2 weeks.

The film Wall-E actually made my kid want to shoot robots so this film might have the opposite effect on kids who are brought up not to accept everything without question.She is also keen to shoot her 1st bunny,despite seeing Watership Down.

If the LACS are resorting to kids films to peddle their message they are DESPERATE.

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Maybe everyone on P.W. should get some money together and we could make

a sequel to this film, we could call it............... The Fox The Child And The .243


In the sequel you find out the true nature of the fox as a royal thieving

pain in the *** who kills livestock for fun so the kid spends two

'Movie Time' hours stalking and hunting it down and the film finishes

with a five hundred yard slow motion head shot. Matrix Style!


I'm sure between us we could find a camera, some cash, a .243,

some land, a fox and maybe evil elvis's wee lass could play the girl.


I think the only thing we wont find on here is someone who can make

a five hundred yard head shot <_<



Look - I enjoy shooting and have done for a good while, but the 'evil' nature of the fox was well tolerated by farmers in areas where there was an active hunt. When I was a lad looking for and finding shooting permission in the 1970s, I received two distinct sets of instructions about foxes depending on whether there was a hunt or not. They were:


'If you see a fox, you be sure to give the bu gger both barrels. Just get him.'




''Whatever you do - leave the foxes alone.'


The difference depended on whether they had connections with the local hunt or not. Also, a very good friend of mine and dodgy country woman tells me how people from the hunt used to bring her tiny fox cubs to bring up when they had been dug out. They then paid her good money for them as weaned and ready to go cubs. For sure the fox can be a nuisance, of course, but the idea that they are evil incarnate is nonsense. Shoot them by all means, but let's not kid ourselves. We do it because we like it and not because he's Satans pet dog.





And yes - I was annoyed when I found five of my chickens dead after I delayed locking them up one evening.

Edited by Evilv
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Dares anyone to go see it, and half way through break out the U-Caller in the cinema



LOL - they'd turn on you like a pack of hounds and you'd be torn to pieces in a minute. Your mangled remains would later be found under a heap of pop corn and spilled buckets of coca cola.

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I hate people who hunt foxes and it should definatly be banned as there is no use out of it it is just a cruel sport. IT's not as bad as killing cows or whatever because humans eat them and use their hide but still it would be better if animals killed humans as well so they know what it feels like. Just not me people who hunt animals should. Love the trailer!


that was from that link there.




It's the holidays, I'm bored, my afternoon has now been devoted to YouTube anti bashing. <_<:good:


FM :yes:


EDIT: It seems my comment is pending approval...

Edited by Ferret Master
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I hate people who hunt foxes and it should definatly be banned as there is no use out of it it is just a cruel sport. IT's not as bad as killing cows or whatever because humans eat them and use their hide but still it would be better if animals killed humans as well so they know what it feels like. Just not me people who hunt animals should. Love the trailer!




It's the holidays, I'm bored, my afternoon has now been devoted to YouTube anti bashing. <_<:good:


FM :yes:

I think that you need a pint of cider Olly, you are rambling. When hunting goes, the anti's will turn to guns, think about it.

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Films like this make no difference in the real world at all.

There have been loads of them in the past, Bambi, Watership Down, etc., even Nemo was supposed to set the world against angling........and guess what, nothing happened.


They are best ignored, as all reaction is appreciated by the LACS and others of their ilk.

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Films like this make no difference in the real world at all.

There have been loads of them in the past Bambi, Watership Down, etc., even Nemo was supposed to set the world against angling........and guess what, nothing happened.


They are best ignored, as all reaction is appreciated by the LACS and others of their ilk.


Not entirely true Cranners - I have been stalking (regrettably only once) and upon hearing of this, a woman that I had very recently met expressed her horror at the idea that I would "shoot bambi".


The real world is brimming with people who are impressionable and stupid beyond measure.



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The "impressionable" and "stupid beyond measure" have been around since the beginning of time, they have a lot less influence in the world than you would imagine.


Hope you're right old chap. I worry however that their numbers are increasing.


In the old days they would usually get eaten. After we worked out how to attach sharp bits of flint to sticks this was less of a danger, but even then they tended to get conquered by people like the Romans, who sorted them out sharpish.


But now? They have no natural predators. Very worrying.



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The "impressionable" and "stupid beyond measure" have been around since the beginning of time, they have a lot less influence in the world than you would imagine.

They had a great influence on fox hunting quite recently I seem to remember.


Banning hunting with hounds was just one of a few "populist" manifesto pledges that the Labour Party made to attract votes from the conservation lobby and the anti privileged brigade.

As a stand alone item it wouldn't have won an election for any party.

Incidentally, no film around at the time influenced any thinking.


Although I was in the Countryside March, am currently a member of two Hunts and will rejoice louder than most if fox hunting is ever allowed again in the future, I do think it was one of the activities under the Country Sports banner that was always difficult to justify, apart from the argument of tradition, heritage, freedom, etc.

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The "impressionable" and "stupid beyond measure" have been around since the beginning of time, they have a lot less influence in the world than you would imagine.

They had a great influence on fox hunting quite recently I seem to remember.


Banning hunting with hounds was just one of a few "populist" manifesto pledges that the Labour Party made to attract votes from the conservation lobby and the anti privileged brigade.

As a stand alone item it wouldn't have won an election for any party.

Incidentally, no film around at the time influenced any thinking.


Although I was in the Countryside March, am currently a member of two Hunts and will rejoice louder than most if fox hunting is ever allowed again in the future, I do think it was one of the activities under the Country Sports banner that was always difficult to justify, apart from the argument of tradition, heritage, freedom, etc.

Exactly my point, it was the "impressionable" and "stupid beyond measure" who did the voting.

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Dear god, some of the comments from You Tube


Wow! Looks cool!


I love foxes too! They're the best! What a nice boy. :lol:


I don't understand why people call them 'vermins', they have to live on this earth like the rest of us!


Say NO to fox hunting! Hm!


oxguy85 (1 week ago) Show Hide +1 Marked as spam Reply This looks great. The scene with the lynx or whatever it is chasing the fox looks unbelievable, its so unusual to see a fox in that predicament.


foxpeltofforestclan (1 week ago) Show Hide +1 Marked as spam Reply Finally!

A film about a fox! It looks so good and i got a cinema voucher and I am definatly gonna see it! I just wish that girl was me!



madge982 (1 week ago) Show Hide +2 Marked as spam Reply Ive always loved nature and animals, and that film is beautiful, i would love to see it, i was once nearly close to a fox, and sometimes i get foxes in my garden and nextdor's


Azorianfireflyz (1 month ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply CUUUUUUUUUTE! I love foxes



most of the marked as spam comments were me :yes:

they didnt allow my comment <_<

Edited by EdwardtheloneShooter
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Watched the trailer and it looks ****. I dont think it'll make a blind bit of differance to society in general anyway.

I remember having fantastic mr fox read to me as a child and thought they were wonderful creatures - 20 years later and my outlook has changed so much I laughed my *** off at Johns 'pink mist' mental picture :good:

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