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Squirt of WD40 down the tubes, push a couple of sheets of bog roll down them, this removes the black gunge and keeps your mop and brush clean. Any signs of lead or plastic? Squirt of aforementioned, scrub with phos bronze brush, more bog-roll, if clean, one more squirt and wool mop through. Wipe face of action and ejectors clean, smear of oil, dab of grease on hinge pin. Squirt of furniture polish on stock, take can of directors ale, remove lid, sink into chair and relax, another **** job done.

Don't overdo the WD40, or any other oiling, it will run back into the stock and rot the wood.

If you use a boresake, do the bog-roll trick first, it will keep it cleaner.

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If you have to use rods to push the bog roll through first, there's little point in also using a boresnake. I only use a boresnake just prior to sleeving a gun at the end of a day's shooting (and in advance of a deep clean when I get home). I follow the same routine as Bob, but preferring Napier 'Super Clean' paper instead of bog roll, and Adnams over Directors.

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Squirt of WD40 down the tubes, push a couple of sheets of bog roll down them, this removes the black gunge and keeps your mop and brush clean. Any signs of lead or plastic? Squirt of aforementioned, scrub with phos bronze brush, more bog-roll, if clean, one more squirt and wool mop through. Wipe face of action and ejectors clean, smear of oil, dab of grease on hinge pin. Squirt of furniture polish on stock, take can of directors ale, remove lid, sink into chair and relax, another **** job done.

Don't overdo the WD40, or any other oiling, it will run back into the stock and rot the wood.

If you use a boresake, do the bog-roll trick first, it will keep it cleaner.

As a shooting newbie, still glowing in the pride of ownership of my first gun, I have several times searched back through the forum on the keyword 'cleaning'. Each time I think I ought to distil, and write down, the excellent advice contained here into a succinct paragraph. I no longer need to do that as Bob has now made a far better job of it than I ever could.


My only reservations are the bog-roll - I find half a kitchen towel rolls up to exactly the right dimension, as well as colour coordinating better - and like Baldrick think that the recommendation of Directors as a final solution a tad questionable. I would suggest Black Sheep Bitter, in whose brewery I have to declare a modest financial interest, a far more acceptable alternative.

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Dont clean it Andy IMHO. My Annie hmr hates to be cleaned along with the 6.5x55 or any other centrefire I own.

Saying that the hmr only has 1000 rounds a year through it but the 6.5x55 has approx. 300-400. I generally clean them once a year. I have never had any pitting or loss of accuracy.

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The CZ is a nice cheap tool - I've dropped it, bashed it, shot it in the pouring rain tonight and it does it all the same.


Wiped it down with a rag and back into the cabinet.


Surprised how quiet it is - it's not whisper .22 quiet but it's no ear defenders out the window quiet.

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Adnams??? Wash your mouth out with soap, that's brewed if Saaarfick, as for t'other mentioned brew, Black Sheep? What the **** is that? As for wiping your bore with 'napier super clean', the mind boggles.


Much as I hate admit it, as there may be a Saaarick boy still up at this time of night, I usually drink Adnam's in my local hostelry, and it's a good pint. Can't say that I have tried it in cans though, some brews travel fine in cans, others are dubious to say the least. Black sheep is a new one on me, where is it brewed, and what brewery?

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