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Mrs Sweepy

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awwwww, thank you suzy.



i've been let out for good behaviour :lol: ha ha



the ferrets are doing fine thanks. i have soooooo gotta snap some pics of moose playing with them on the lawn. the other day, one walked between his legs, so moose walked backwards, but the ferret got faster, and then so did moose. i had no idea 70kg newfoundlands could walk backwards so fast, with their head between their legs. it was so funny. :good:

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I've been looking at your profile and, if you're not too disturbed by that revelation, please allow me to say that your personal statement is most encouraging.


The usual standard around here is somewhere between bone-idle illiterate and itinerant drunkard.


A fellow pedantic would be most welcome in the war against the inelegant phrase and the massacred syntax.



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I've been looking at your profile and, if you're not too disturbed by that revelation, please allow me to say that your personal statement is most encouraging.


The usual standard around here is somewhere between bone-idle illiterate and itinerant drunkard.


A fellow pedantic would be most welcome in the war against the inelegant phrase and the massacred syntax.



Errrr,.....it's spelled P-E-R-V-E-R-T not P-E-D-A-N-T-I-C Maiden. And what about the illiterate drunkards and bone idle itenerants amongst us? This is blatant discrimination!

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I've been looking at your profile and, if you're not too disturbed by that revelation, please allow me to say that your personal statement is most encouraging.


The usual standard around here is somewhere between bone-idle illiterate and itinerant drunkard.


A fellow pedantic would be most welcome in the war against the inelegant phrase and the massacred syntax.



Errrr,.....it's spelled P-E-R-V-E-R-T not P-E-D-A-N-T-I-C Maiden. And what about the illiterate drunkards and bone idle itenerants amongst us? This is blatant discrimination!


Sorry Bob, I stand corrected. I did mean pervert of course. My spellchecker must be on the blink. It's not my fault, I'm dyspeptic.



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I've been looking at your profile and, if you're not too disturbed by that revelation, please allow me to say that your personal statement is most encouraging.


The usual standard around here is somewhere between bone-idle illiterate and itinerant drunkard.


A fellow pedantic would be most welcome in the war against the inelegant phrase and the massacred syntax.



Errrr,.....it's spelled P-E-R-V-E-R-T not P-E-D-A-N-T-I-C Maiden. And what about the illiterate drunkards and bone idle itenerants amongst us? This is blatant discrimination!


Sorry Bob, I stand corrected. I did mean pervert of course. My spellchecker must be on the blink. It's not my fault, I'm dyspeptic.




No chance of you getting into the fire brigade then.

Edited by bob300w
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I've been looking at your profile and, if you're not too disturbed by that revelation, please allow me to say that your personal statement is most encouraging.


The usual standard around here is somewhere between bone-idle illiterate and itinerant drunkard.


A fellow pedantic would be most welcome in the war against the inelegant phrase and the massacred syntax.



Errrr,.....it's spelled P-E-R-V-E-R-T not P-E-D-A-N-T-I-C Maiden. And what about the illiterate drunkards and bone idle itenerants amongst us? This is blatant discrimination!


Sorry Bob, I stand corrected. I did mean pervert of course. My spellchecker must be on the blink. It's not my fault, I'm dyspeptic.




you are welcome to burrow my book Dyslexia for begoners a selth heep guide

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Oh yes Bob and Pavman, it's easy to mock the afflicted.


Probably why people do, come to think of it. The fact that it's easy is hardly a rational argument against it.



If you really wish to make a stand against this type of discrimination, and I fully agree with you that it should be stamped out, I would suggest that you join DNA, the National Dyslexics Association.

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I know how it feels, folk point at me in the street and say look its Pavman and he is a Lesbian, they forget we all have feelings :hmm:

Sorry, but you gave up that right when you moved into Suffolk from civilisation. Those who live by the turnip, die by it, as the Mayor of Ipswich allegedly said, on the only day of the year that he was close to sober.

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I know how it feels, folk point at me in the street and say look its Pavman and he is a Lesbian, they forget we all have feelings :hmm:

Sorry, but you gave up that right when you moved into Suffolk from civilisation. Those who live by the turnip, die by it, as the Mayor of Ipswich allegedly said, on the only day of the year that he was close to sober.




Now that's a funny post :sly: .



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Love Newfoundlands but have heard they can be a bit of a handful and also leave quite a lot of hair around the place so for the sake of my marriage probably not going to be able to have one. :sly:


they can be a bit of a handful like any dog, if not trained appropriately. but at the end of the day, what idiot would have a 70kg dog that doesn't do as it's told? ? ? madness.


and yes to the hair shedding. god. let's not even go there. ~shudder~


on the up side, i'm gonna knit FM a newfie hair jumper, and he doesn't know it yet, but he's paying me £100 for the privelege :hmm:


but in all honesty, it's the drool that still kills me. i can't stomach it. you wanna see me emptying and re-filling the water bowls. if there is any slime and slobber in it, i can be heard puking from 100 miles away. ewwwwwwww!

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Arrrrr DB how nice to see you again, have you been a good girl whilst you have been away from us :lol:



well..... i just turned to steve and asked him, "have i been good?", and he said "no". ;) so there's your answer!


personally, i think i have been. but there again, i also think i'm bloody marvellous! :sly:


went for an interview on tuesday last week, and got myself a promotion :yes: . they welcomed abbi to the world of management with open arms! (although i think it'd be more apt to suggest they'd be better off running scared :hmm: bwahahahaha!).

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I've been looking at your profile and, if you're not too disturbed by that revelation, please allow me to say that your personal statement is most encouraging.


The usual standard around here is somewhere between bone-idle illiterate and itinerant drunkard.


A fellow pedantic would be most welcome in the war against the inelegant phrase and the massacred syntax.




nah, i'm not too disturbed by someone looking at my profile. when i first found out about the changes, i felt rather chuffed at the idea of being stalked. but then i woke up and smelled the air. ~sigh~ no such luck.


i'm glad my personal statement meets with your approval. however, my pedanticness carries with it such a heavy burden. i'm forever asked to proof read court reports and statements. o joy ~rolls eyes~


however, i feel i must point out a few obvious differences. for example, i dislike the use of capital letters unless for emphasis. i think this is simply because it breaks rules :hmm: what a rebel eh?


gawd, i'm soooooo sad :sly:

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I've been looking at your profile and, if you're not too disturbed by that revelation, please allow me to say that your personal statement is most encouraging.


The usual standard around here is somewhere between bone-idle illiterate and itinerant drunkard.


A fellow pedantic would be most welcome in the war against the inelegant phrase and the massacred syntax.




nah, i'm not too disturbed by someone looking at my profile. when i first found out about the changes, i felt rather chuffed at the idea of being stalked. but then i woke up and smelled the air. ~sigh~ no such luck.


i'm glad my personal statement meets with your approval. however, my pedanticness carries with it such a heavy burden. i'm forever asked to proof read court reports and statements. o joy ~rolls eyes~


however, i feel i must point out a few obvious differences. for example, i dislike the use of capital letters unless for emphasis. i think this is simply because it breaks rules :lol: what a rebel eh?


gawd, i'm soooooo sad ;)





You said it :hmm::sly:

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i'm glad my personal statement meets with your approval. however, my pedanticness carries with it such a heavy burden. i'm forever asked to proof read court reports and statements. o joy ~rolls eyes~


That should be "pedantry" :lol::/ :blink: .



I like "pedanticosity", but then, I don't have a Newfoundland and I use capital letters. And pedantry is dubious also.


Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This

pe·dan·tic Audio Help /pəˈdæntɪk/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[puh-dan-tik] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

–adjective 1. ostentatious in one's learning.

2. overly concerned with minute details or formalisms, esp. in teaching.


Also, pe·dan·ti·cal.





[Origin: 1590–1600; pedant + -ic]


—Related forms

pe·dan·ti·cal·ly, adverb

pe·dan·ti·cal·ness, noun

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