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Pigeon shooting newbie


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One of my permissions has harvested his cornfield. It is covered in crows and pigeons so I rolled up in the Jeep, stood between it and the hedge and had a great afternoon.


They got wise to this pretty quick, so as I now have the bug, I need some gear. I have an old cammo net 10'x10' and have nicked 4 x 5' aluminium poles off a windbreak. I have a standard DPM jacket and Tilley hat. What else do I need? :lol:


Now, the missus had made me differentiate between need and want, so keep it pretty basic. What type/quantity of decoys? What type of cammo clothing, head net, gloves etc? Any other things that I don't know I need yet?




Nick :good:

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Right you have hide and poles..


For the crows you only need 2 or 3 crows decoys


For pigeons get yourself a dozen shells to start with birds will come to them OK..if pattern right.


Clothes just wear dark colours (face mask is optional) you do not have to wear cammo gear the secret is not to move to soon my mate kdubya shoots in a very light checked shirt and that does not scare them as long as you are still..

Watch them through the hide and not over it till the last minute..


Best of luck and enjoy.. :good::lol: :lol:

Edited by hawkeye
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I would go for flock coated decoys, more expensive but much more realistic.


Also pigeon cradles (£20 for 10 @ shootwarehouse). Useful on most crops for putting dead birds on.


Finally put half a dozen (or more if the missus will let you) in the frezer after a days shooting, thaw then peg out on cradles or kebab scewars as neck props.

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