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You'll hear bad things about every site, depending on who's doing the talking :)


It's a good site for certain things, then there are other sites better for other stuff. I believe it's good to keep your eye on what's going on all over, never know what ya might find/see/learn.

i no wot you saying mate but i have heard off alot of people,but i understande wot you mean mate.best regards

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One thing that I think isn't a matter of opinion is that this site is visually a lot better than BBS and others. It's just a very clean and easy format, and one that has less of an amateurish feel about it. Very easy to use, nice and uncluttered.


The other good thing in my opinion is the vigourous censoring of bad language. I admit that I thought it was a little bit silly at first, but it really does engender a much more pleasant atmosphere. When you visit some of the others the expletives start to jar a little.


And the general banter split works quite well too.


PW :) .




crawler ! :lol::yes:


are we talking about >British Blind Sport< ?

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Just don't want to get banned :lol::yes: .



It's nice to hear and I wholeheartedly agree about the format, I am used to the bbs now, but it used to give me a headache working out who said what in amongst all the quotes.


As for not banning you, come the revoltion none of this will help you at all :)

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Just don't want to get banned ;):lol: .



It's nice to hear and I wholeheartedly agree about the format, I am used to the bbs now, but it used to give me a headache working out who said what in amongst all the quotes.


As for not banning you, come the revoltion none of this will help you at all :thanks:









Did you mean Revolution? or was that just another insult?

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