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HMR cleaning rod/kit?

Devon Fox

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I have read Mr Munglers thread on the same subject but had no joy finding anything?


Any links would be great, many thanks, Mark


ps bought a 17hmr boresnake on e bay for the bargain price of £10.00 (packaged as a hoppes), load of sheet, tore in half straight away, so would prefer a rod :good:

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Got a boresnake myself, and it does a great job. When the rifle was new it was fairly tough getting it through, but now it's shot in it runs through without too much stress. Could your boresnake have been a dodgy one or a fake? I would have thought that it's too small a market for fraudsters to bother with!!

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I would get a rod, which you get a free Jag with. A nylon and bronze brush and a few packs of pre cut patches from these people, http://www.deweyrods.com/


Very good quality, good shipping.


Or if you want to stay in UK then http://www.rimfiremagic.co.uk/index.htm


Give them a call, they are not rip off merchants


All the best,



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Hi, you can make your own with a piece of brass rod from any old Diy store, all you have to do is ensure the rod fits down the barrel and drill a hole carefully in the end just big enough to accomodate a ear bud stem, (ensure ear bud is a tight fit). For the handle i used a wooden bathroom light cord thingy and glue it in place. as for the ear buds, you can buy them cheap as chips and cut them in half to insert into the rod. i put the details on the DIY section some time ago. i have been using mine for years with no probs and i have also made about 10 others for different people, i forgot to say that i dip the bud into hoppes barrel cleaner before i insert into barrel.

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Got a boresnake myself, and it does a great job. When the rifle was new it was fairly tough getting it through, but now it's shot in it runs through without too much stress. Could your boresnake have been a dodgy one or a fake? I would have thought that it's too small a market for fraudsters to bother with!!


I think it was a copy/fake, i am currently giving the seller a hard time, he keeps referring me back to Hoppes, so it might have been an original?, have one for my 243 which i bought for £20 from a gun shop, that one has been used alot and is fine?



If you pm me details, i have a pal who is looking for a kit. thanks, Mark

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I would recommend a rod as opposed to a boresnake. In my experience a boresnake is ok at getting some stuff out but will leave a lot of residue. I used to use a boresnake only in my .22 but then after cleaned with a rod and the barrel was filthy. Boresnake ok in the field if accuracy falls off but is NO SUBSTITUTE for a quality one piece rod which will do a proper job.


Steve b

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Hi HotShot,


The Napier cleaner got has all the essentials. The cheapest place online (by far) is molevalleyfarmers.com. This is a brilliant site with fast delivery, and the bits in the kit can be easily replaced when you run out. I don't think it comes with the Super Clean roll to wrap around the jag though. Bog-roll is just as good (no joke :yes: )


I used a boresnake, then a rod with super clean roll on and some cleaner and it still came out black. Bore-snakes are fine if you are going to use your gun again shortly, but not for a thorough clean. :lol:

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