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Another nail in the shooter's coffin - Foster shot his wife.


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and what about it ,how many gun clubs do you know of (apart from the one you go to )let in peole with depression,anxiety,and who are also on medication for these. i think non, if any gun club loans any firearm to a non cert holder who suffers from any form of mental illness, and the person was to do any harm to another person. Then that club would be under a mass amount of scrutiny if not closed and legal proceedings would follow. That was my advice to all on that particular subject. In fact i see now that the usual suspects on this forum are well known for jumping on the band wagon,

but feel free to carry on like little sheep, i however will stick to my own opinions. :stupid:



Once again you reinforce the ignorant idea that any person who has suffered from depression or anxiety is likely to harm people.


Let me inform you of something: A very large proportion of people suffer at sometime with depression and or anxiety. Both of these issues are at one end of their range, perfectly normal states. You could say we all have them. Ever been worried about something? Ever felt like not doing much other than sitting about moping? At the minor end, these are anxiety and depression. On the other end of the scale, they can become seriously debilitating conditions; anxiety in which a person is too worried to go outside, or is constantly and destructively worried, or depression in which a person can't go to work anymore, doesn't get out of bed and finds it impossible to motivate themselves. They become a medical matter when they begin to damage the person's social or working life, or even when a perceptive individual realises what is happening and seeks help. This kind of person is probably more aware than the average Joe and turns up himself seeking help. Far from indicating that he is a 'mentalist' it shows he has excellent coping strategies and deals with things before they get out of hand.


Sometimes, depression is driven by a lack of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that governs mood, at others, it is a condition which is reactive to life conditions such as bereavement, bullying, or atrocious workload. In a small proportion of cases, the sufferer may harm themselves and in an absolutely tiny proportion, they may attempt to take loved ones with them. Examples we all have seen are cases where a woman without help jumped off a bridge clutching her seriously handicapped son, drowning them both, or where an elderly man murdered his demented wife and then killed himself. These people are not the schizophrenics who stab strangers, push people onto railway lines and do sudden and atrocious things to people they do not know. By the way, only a tiny proportion of schizophrenics harm others.


Depression and anxiety is widespread and common, and most people who have it are mildly affected and get rapidly better - so, why your nonsense about the guy being a menace at the gun club? The reason is you know nowt about the subject.


If Foster turns out to have murdered his wife Jill and their daughter, it will not be because he suffered from depression. It will be because he was a psychopath - a person whose own self importance and narcissism allows him to decide that HE is so important that when his business debts threatened his lifestyle, he is entitled to kill his family and destroy all his property in case anyone else got their hands on them. He would have decided to kill himself and then decided his wife and daughter were not going to be enjoyed by anyone after him. Being a psychopath is not a mental condition. They are untreatable because they are sane. Their problem is that they are evil and immoral. A judge already said of Foster that he was completely immoral.


By the way - the snipe about MY club allowing such members privileges - I'm not in a club, and I have never suffered from either. My interest in the subject is entirely a professional one.

Edited by Evilv
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and what about it ,how many gun clubs do you know of (apart from the one you go to )let in peole with depression,anxiety,and who are also on medication for these. i think non, if any gun club loans any firearm to a non cert holder who suffers from any form of mental illness, and the person was to do any harm to another person. Then that club would be under a mass amount of scrutiny if not closed and legal proceedings would follow. That was my advice to all on that particular subject. In fact i see now that the usual suspects on this forum are well known for jumping on the band wagon,

but feel free to carry on like little sheep, i however will stick to my own opinions. :stupid:



Once again you reinforce the ignorant idea that any person who has suffered from depression or anxiety is likely to harm people.


Let me inform you of something: A very large proportion of people suffer at sometime with depression and or anxiety. Both of these issues are at one end of their range, perfectly normal states. You could say we all have them. Ever been worried about something? Ever felt like not doing much other than sitting about moping? At the minor end, these are anxiety and depression. On the other end of the scale, they can become seriously debilitating conditions. Anxiety in which a person is too worried to go outside, or is constantly and destructively worried, or depression in which a person can't go to work anymore, doesn't get out of bed and finds it impossible to motivate themselves.


Sometimes, depression is driven by a lack of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that governs mood, at others, it is a condition which is reactive to life conditions such as bereavement or atrocious workload. In a small proportion of cases, the sufferer may harm themselves and in an absolutely tiny proportion, they may attempt to take loved ones with them. Examples we all have seen are cases where a woman without help jumped off a bridge clutching her seriously handicapped son, drowning them both, or where an elderly man murdered his demented wife and then killed himself. These people are not the schizophrenics who stab strangers, push people onto railway lines and do sudden and atrocious things to people they do not know. By the way, only a tiny proportion of schizophrenics harm others.


Depression and anxiety is widespread and common, and most people who have it are mildly affected and get rapidly better - so, why your nonsense about the guy being a menace at the gun club? The reason is you know nowt about the subject.

sorry couldnt be bothered to read the rest of that got so far and that you have no idea. ok at one end of the scale you sit and mope about the house no harm done .at the other end you have phycotic thoughts and this is where and often when ,ignorant , the prozac comes in . you of all people should know be the expert on the subject,why would anybody want anti-depressants for having an off day ,its only when the off day turns into an off week then a year then someone really upsets them and hey you have a phsyco loose in a gun club

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In fact i see now that the usual suspects on this forum are well known for jumping on the band wagon,

but feel free to carry on like little sheep, i however will stick to my own opinions. :stupid:


I'll jump on too then.


Whilst you've enlightened my evening with some interesting reading (I've enjoyed reading the whole thread) I fail to see how you can't expect a reaction having jumped in and called everyone tossers.


If you don't agree with everything said then by all means say so but by insulting people, all of whom from the posts I've read are at worst guilty of light hearted fun and I'm sure have not intended posts to be a true reflection of their feeling, then I'm afraid you've lost the battle before you've started, whether you're right or wrong.


EDIT - Baaaah.

Edited by Bagsy
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sorry couldnt be bothered to read the rest of that got so far and that you have no idea. ok at one end of the scale you sit and mope about the house no harm done .at the other end you have phycotic thoughts and this is where and often when ,ignorant , the prozac comes in . you of all people should know be the expert on the subject,why would anybody want anti-depressants for having an off day ,its only when the off day turns into an off week then a year then someone really upsets them and hey you have a phsyco loose in a gun club



LOL - that's it - tell us all that you have a retard's attention span and then repeat all the old rubbish again.

Edited by Evilv
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In fact i see now that the usual suspects on this forum are well known for jumping on the band wagon,

but feel free to carry on like little sheep, i however will stick to my own opinions. :stupid:


I'll jump on too then.


Whilst you've enlightened my evening with some interesting reading (I've enjoyed reading the whole thread) I fail to see how you can't expect a reaction having jumped in and called everyone tossers.


If you don't agree with everything said then by all means say so but by insulting people, all of whom from the posts I've read are at worst light hearted fun and in no way intended to be a true reflection of their feeling, then I'm afraid you've lost the battle before you've started, whether you're right or wrong.


EDIT - Baaaah.

can i just say to all who find this case so amusing, will you be still laughing if it happens to your family, well i certainly hope so ,you shallow bunch of pri***.

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and what about it ,how many gun clubs do you know of (apart from the one you go to )let in peole with depression,anxiety,and who are also on medication for these. i think non, if any gun club loans any firearm to a non cert holder who suffers from any form of mental illness, and the person was to do any harm to another person. Then that club would be under a mass amount of scrutiny if not closed and legal proceedings would follow. That was my advice to all on that particular subject. In fact i see now that the usual suspects on this forum are well known for jumping on the band wagon,

but feel free to carry on like little sheep, i however will stick to my own opinions. :hmm:



Once again you reinforce the ignorant idea that any person who has suffered from depression or anxiety is likely to harm people.


Let me inform you of something: A very large proportion of people suffer at sometime with depression and or anxiety. Both of these issues are at one end of their range, perfectly normal states. You could say we all have them. Ever been worried about something? Ever felt like not doing much other than sitting about moping? At the minor end, these are anxiety and depression. On the other end of the scale, they can become seriously debilitating conditions. Anxiety in which a person is too worried to go outside, or is constantly and destructively worried, or depression in which a person can't go to work anymore, doesn't get out of bed and finds it impossible to motivate themselves.


Sometimes, depression is driven by a lack of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that governs mood, at others, it is a condition which is reactive to life conditions such as bereavement or atrocious workload. In a small proportion of cases, the sufferer may harm themselves and in an absolutely tiny proportion, they may attempt to take loved ones with them. Examples we all have seen are cases where a woman without help jumped off a bridge clutching her seriously handicapped son, drowning them both, or where an elderly man murdered his demented wife and then killed himself. These people are not the schizophrenics who stab strangers, push people onto railway lines and do sudden and atrocious things to people they do not know. By the way, only a tiny proportion of schizophrenics harm others.


Depression and anxiety is widespread and common, and most people who have it are mildly affected and get rapidly better - so, why your nonsense about the guy being a menace at the gun club? The reason is you know nowt about the subject.

sorry couldnt be bothered to read the rest of that got so far and that you have no idea. ok at one end of the scale you sit and mope about the house no harm done .at the other end you have phycotic thoughts and this is where and often when ,ignorant , the prozac comes in . you of all people should know be the expert on the subject,why would anybody want anti-depressants for having an off day ,its only when the off day turns into an off week then a year then someone really upsets them and hey you have a phsyco loose in a gun club



In fact i see now that the usual suspects on this forum are well known for jumping on the band wagon,

but feel free to carry on like little sheep, i however will stick to my own opinions. :drool:


I'll jump on too then.


Whilst you've enlightened my evening with some interesting reading (I've enjoyed reading the whole thread) I fail to see how you can't expect a reaction having jumped in and called everyone tossers.


If you don't agree with everything said then by all means say so but by insulting people, all of whom from the posts I've read are at worst light hearted fun and in no way intended to be a true reflection of their feeling, then I'm afraid you've lost the battle before you've started, whether you're right or wrong.


EDIT - Baaaah.

can i just say to all who find this case so amusing, will you be still laughing if it happens to your family, well i certainly hope so ,you shallow bunch of pri***.


Take it easy - you can't possibly find anything to object to in what Bagsy wrote.


Unless you've been on the angry juice... :drool::stupid: :blink:




Or unless he is unhinged.....

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In fact i see now that the usual suspects on this forum are well known for jumping on the band wagon,

but feel free to carry on like little sheep, i however will stick to my own opinions. :hmm:


I'll jump on too then.


Whilst you've enlightened my evening with some interesting reading (I've enjoyed reading the whole thread) I fail to see how you can't expect a reaction having jumped in and called everyone tossers.


If you don't agree with everything said then by all means say so but by insulting people, all of whom from the posts I've read are at worst light hearted fun and in no way intended to be a true reflection of their feeling, then I'm afraid you've lost the battle before you've started, whether you're right or wrong.


EDIT - Baaaah.

can i just say to all who find this case so amusing, will you be still laughing if it happens to your family, well i certainly hope so ,you shallow bunch of pri***.


Take it easy - you can't possibly find anything to object to in what Bagsy wrote.


Unless you've been on the angry juice... :drool::stupid::drool:




yeah sorry bags just a miffed at certain people on here thinking they know it all when in fact they haven't got the first idea as to what goes on with someone who suffers from depression its all ,down to lacking in this or too much of that, thats research for you gets you no where but people like eveilv readup and think they/he knows it all well unless he has sufferd from it then he can go to hell with his assumptions. So unless he comes back now and says yes he has had depression for over ten yes TEN years then he may be able to have some form of sense as to what it feels like .



Again sorry baggsy and yeah some of it is light hearted fun but some of it is bordering on the line in my opinion

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Yeah I dont think this is the right time to start making jokes people are dead and if the families off those affected read this it will make there feelings even lower. An innocent little girl has died who could of had a big future instead she has been shot.


Im not going to rip into those that made the jokes but keep the humour away for a little while and give the girl and family some respect.

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Wow MTB, that must be one of the fastest apologies in PW history. Makes me feel a bit childish for the boozy emoticons, so I'll add an apology of my own, which hopefully will be accepted.


Hi DF, where've you been? Haven't seen you around for a while.



accepted Robert

i have no problem with apologising if and when i need to or when i am made aware of the fact i could be wrong, but however if i do believe in what i say then i will and do stand my grounds .

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well now you all have had a good laugh at this,and made up whats hapenned,leave this to the right people to solve.

spare a thought for the rest of the family and friends



Yeah I dont think this is the right time to start making jokes people are dead and if the families off those affected read this it will make there feelings even lower. An innocent little girl has died who could of had a big future instead she has been shot.


Im not going to rip into those that made the jokes but keep the humour away for a little while and give the girl and family some respect.





whats with all this "telling people what to do".

this thread was going fine till MR GOODSHOT decided to change the feeling of it. look smartarse, nobody was "having a good laugh" at this, just ginving our thoughts.

BUT!!, since you brought it up........... :hmm::drool::drool: :blink: :huh::no: LMAO at the loon who has just wiped his family out!!!!! :stupid::good:




id say the same to you DF, but you should know the posters on here better than that. give them some credit.

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here we go, hows this for poor taste...






"A man has just been arrested in connection with the house fire in Oswestry


He was overheard in a local pub claiming he could murder a couple of Fosters"



now thats laughing!!! :good:

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I have just read this thread.


Firstly, (pre Martin's posts) I didn't see any jokes on the subject. Someone has complained of "jokes" (followed by a massive histerical jump on the band wagon) well show them to me (jokes is plural so I want to see at least two examples please).


Secondly, there is always a classic Daily Mail sense of indignation on these subjects and I have seen it before - you can always count on DF here. It's like there should be some moratorium or massively censored discussion on a subject in case the moral fibre of the Daily Mail reader is affronted. If anyone doesn't like what they are reading, then close your eyes.

Edited by Mungler
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As has been said I don't think people making the odd light hearted remark deserves the crazy response.


It's a well known fact that people use humour to deal with sad events and make light of things.


I feel very sorry for the family and the tragic circumstances that drove the bloke to do what he did but I can still laugh at a joke about it. Sorry but I didn't know them or have any connection if I worried about all death and destruction in the world I'd never leave the house.


Edit: Apologies just removed the last remark as that wasn't what was said

Edited by Dr W
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As has been said I don't think people making the odd light hearted remark deserves the crazy response.


It's a well known fact that people use humour to deal with sad events and make light of things.


I feel very sorry for the family and the tragic circumstances that drove the bloke to do what he did but I can still laugh at a joke about it. Sorry but I didn't know them or have any connection if I worried about all death and destruction in the world I'd never leave the house.


Edit: Apologies just removed the last remark as that wasn't what was said





says it all :good:

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I feel very sorry for the family and the tragic circumstances that drove the bloke to do what he did but I can still laugh at a joke about it.



More to the point.


NOBODY MADE HIM DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!! :good:


And we all be happier if it never happened.


This is where I take issue with some people's view of what happened (in s spirit of friendly banter of course).


I don't belueve anything 'drove him to it', and I agree with rabbithunter on this. Nobody made him do it and he was not insane. This was the act of a psycopath - that means a person who is not mad, but behaves in a vile and unaccountable way as far as the rest of us are concerned. My take on Foster is that he is so up himself - so narcissistic in other words, that when his business schemes fail and he is about to lose the lifestyle and property that he has, decides that he will have the last laugh as far as the creditors are concerned, and will destroy all there is so that they get nothing. Now this will mean he has to go to jail, so rather than have that, he decides to kill himself, because he just HAS TO HAVE ONE OVER ON THE CREDITORS (remember the judge who took control of his assets said he had behaved without any shred of morality towards the creditors). Then finally, and worst of all, he decides to remove his wife and daughter from the world with him, not out of any protective instinct, but because he can't bear that anyone else should have them when he can't.



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