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remington 870 Pump


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Yeah £666.00 :good: An incongrous figure, but the Wingmaster is a nicer gun than the Express, I already have a Mossberg 500 anyway, which is a similar kind of thing to the Express.


As I say, I gave up with the idea in the end anyway, getting a 26" barrel Wingmaster new became impossible, even though there's loads of 26" Express's.

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Daft question perhaps but can you cycle the Remmy or Mossberg so the spent shells fall at your feet? I do alot of shooting from natural cover and the Escort chucks them into places they are hard to get back. I hate to leave anything around. Thanks!

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No you cant really, but for what it's worth they dont chuck empty cartridges as far as a semi-auto. I use mine for DTL occasionally, and often the spent shell lands in the bucket to my right, not very far away. I always make a point of this to the ground owner :stupid:


There's a lot to consider when buying an 870 or a 500a.


The Mossberg I think has a better placed safety, and the slide release is in a much better place. On the other hand the Wingmaster is better finished*, and easier (a bit) to dismantle.



*Not sure this would apply to the Express though.

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Thanks for all the replies. Thing is its a tight budget but might be willing to trade the Escort. It has let me down a couple of times. Usually I only take one shot so the faster cycling of the semi is not a major plus.I also seem to do better shooting with a single barreled shotgun. I like the tang mounted safety of the mossberg but the build of the remington seems better. Budget wise its these 2 that seem to be about my price range. Cheers :stupid:

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Yeah I have . Very tasty looking and I read they are indestructible.Also read they weigh nearly 8lb which put me off a bit. Not seen one in the local shops though.I have only really handled the mossy and the Remington.Not shot them though,or any pump for that matter. I thought if it was cheap enough then i would give them a go.

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