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Vixen from last night


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120 yards free hand off the top of my wagon from last night. Alas, I was wearing the chauffeur hat - it was shot by my chum who was sitting on the roof.


Incidentally, when we were doing the rounds we came accross a couple of cars in the middle of a field. They were enjoying "a pipe and a pancake" and upon attempting to leave the field one put their car in the ditch - a nice full on slide in sideways - too much of the backy of wackyness. Oh how we laughed.


Anyhows, I towed him out but instead of leaving his car in neutral (a Pug 205 work car-van by the look of things) he stuck it in reverse and gave it some. This messed with the tension on the tow rope and after a short game of back and forth shunty tug of war I pulled his car out and his rear valance off. The front valance came off as well as part of the process but hey, that was coming off whatever happened. They, strangely, were grateful, we unhitched and carried on our way. Thinking about it I should have got a photo or two.


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