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CZ 452 & Scope Advice


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Hi all,


First time poster so be gentle with me :oops:


I'm going to purchase a CZ 452 very soon after reading so many positive reviews about them. The problem is which model! The gun will be used for both small game and target shooting, so I was confused as to whether I should go for the heavier varmint style barrel, or would the "normal" barrel be suitable for the job! :hmm:


One of the local gun stores stocks the CZ 452 Style, Lux, American & Varmint. The gun will probably be used a couple of times a week at the most, mostly at the range so a good few shots will be going through it in one sitting!


Also what magnification scope would you recommend, the dealer has a Hawke Night Eye 3.5-10x50 on special, so I was leaning toward that?


I will also be fitting a sound moderator in the near future if that has any imapact on model choice!


Any recommendations or advice would be a big help :yes:




Edited by jonher
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Hi all,


First time poster so be gentle with me :oops:


I'm going to purchase a CZ 452 very soon after reading so many positive reviews about them. The problem is which model! The gun will be used for both small game and target shooting, so I was confused as to whether I should go for the heavier varmint style barrel, or would the "normal" barrel be suitable for the job! :hmm:


One of the local gun stores stocks the CZ 452 Style, Lux, American & Varmint. The gun will probably be used a couple of times a week at the most, mostly at the range so a good few shots will be going through it in one sitting!


Also what magnification scope would you recommend, the dealer has a Hawke Night Eye 3.5-10x50 on special, so I was leaning toward that?


I will also be fitting a sound moderator in the near future if that has any imapact on model choice!


Any recommendations or advice would be a big help :yes:





I have the 452 Silhouette (blued barrel, synthetic stock) in .22lr with a Hawke 3-9x50 milldot scope with illuminated reticle, a SAK moderator and a rockmount bipod. As a setup, it does everything I want it to do (bunny bashing for the most part) very well. It is worth noting that I went for the synth stock version because I would be using the rifle from a vehicle a lot and am a bit of a gayer when it comes to knocking lumps out of nice wood stocks.


You wont go wrong with a CZ. Just pick the one which has the features best suited to what you want to do and you will be fine The Hawke scope should be fine IMHO, I like mine. :hmm:



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Get the CZ that offers you the shortest barrel, ideally around 14-16". Any additional length is cumbersome, and offers no noticeable accuracy advantage.


I had that exact Hawke scope on my CZ, for all of 24 hours. It's rubbish, I'm afraid, the poor optical clarity becoming a genuine problem in lamping conditions. Having learnt the hard way, scopes are a real case of 'buy cheap, buy twice'. On the recommendation of StuartP on here, I shelled out £130 and bought myself a second-hand Meopta 7x50 for each .22. It's probably the best purchase I've ever made. I cannot fault the glass, and the scope is dependable and tough. Under a lamp, it performs brilliantly. So I'd say ditch the Hawke idea and shop around for some second-hand European glass.

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:oops: I have the style and the exact same scope as the one youre looking at. I cant agree with baldrick at all, Mine is great, I cant fault it, had it on my daystate and now on my style, I cant fault it. I like the illuminated reticule for lamp work!!!


One thing i will ad, i have tried Parker hale on the style and sak and the sak is a wisper compared to the ph!!


Id also say that while having a carbine is cool( i have a carbine too) the 20" barrel is easily manageable....I dont know if being 6'2" makes a differrent lol.


I have a nice sunshade on mine too



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Thanks for the relplies :yes:


But, just to throw another spanner in the works, whats is all this I read about getting a new trigger kit for the CZ452.


Can somebody please explain the problem with the original trigger and the benefits of the new kit?


Thanks again :oops:

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I have a style with standard 20 or 21" barrel, and will get it chopped as soon as I can get round to it, I just find the shorter barrel easier in every way and if has no drawbacks that I am aware of (apart from the cost of getting it done if you didn't buy the short one in the first place)


I had a Hawke 3-9x50 on mine before I bought the Meopta that Baldrick mentions, and that was fter zero'ing my CZ and then jumping straight from my to a mates with the Meopta. For the money IMHO they are great scopes and ideal for this calibre, even though I bought mine new, on offer, it cots me more getting to that setup as I lost money on the Hawke when I sold it. So make your mind up properly before you shell out, don't just buy the first one you try.

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Thanks everyone for the help and advice :lol:


I have in the end decided to go for the CZ 452 Lux .22LR as it has the iron sights so can also be used for some competition shooting when the scope has been removed, (best of both worlds!).


I'll keep you posted on how it performs.


Thanks again :rolleyes:


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